"Diary of a Nurse" is an American television play broadcast on May 7, 1959 as part of the CBS television series, Playhouse 90. The cast includes Inger Stevens, Victor Jory, and Mary Astor. David Greene was the director and Arthur Hailey the writer.
"Diary of a Nurse" is an American television play broadcast on May 7, 1959 as part of the CBS television series, Playhouse 90. The cast includes Inger Stevens, Victor Jory, and Mary Astor. David Greene was the director and Arthur Hailey the writer. (en)
"Diary of a Nurse" is an American television play broadcast on May 7, 1959 as part of the CBS television series, Playhouse 90. The cast includes Inger Stevens, Victor Jory, and Mary Astor. David Greene was the director and Arthur Hailey the writer. (en)