- The Eagle Squadrons were three fighter squadrons of the Royal Air Force (RAF) formed with volunteer pilots from the United States during the early days of World War II (circa 1940), prior to America's entry into the war in December 1941. With the United States still neutral, many Americans simply crossed the border and joined the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) to learn to fly and fight. Many early recruits had originally gone to Europe to fight for Finland against the Soviet Union in the Winter War. Charles Sweeny, a wealthy businessman living in London, persuaded the British Government to form an RAF squadron composed of Americans. (His uncle, also named Charles Sweeny, had been working along similar lines, recruiting American pilots to fight in France.) Sweeny's efforts were also coordinated in Canada by the World War I air ace Billy Bishop and the artist Clayton Knight, who formed the Clayton Knight Committee, which by the time the United States entered the war, had processed and approved 6,700 applications from Americans to join the RCAF or RAF. Sweeny and his rich society contacts bore the cost (over $100,000) of processing and sending the men to the United Kingdom for training. (en)
- Les Eagle Squadrons (« escadrilles des aigles ») sont trois escadrilles d'avions de chasse de la Royal Air Force formées vers 1940 pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale avec des pilotes américains volontaires, avant l'entrée en guerre des États-Unis en décembre 1941. Elle est dans l'esprit à l'image de l'escadrille La Fayette lors de la Première Guerre mondiale ou l'escadrille de Tigres volants durant la guerre sino-japonaise. Les recrues américaines rejoignaient l'Aviation royale canadienne pour apprendre à voler et à combattre, mais d'autres étaient déjà aguerris par leur engagement avec la Finlande contre les Soviétiques dans la guerre d'Hiver. Charles Sweeney, un homme d'affaires basé à Londres, a notamment participé à l'effort de recrutement pour ces escadrilles.
* Portail de la Seconde Guerre mondiale
* Portail de l’aéronautique
* Portail des États-Unis
* Portail du Royaume-Uni (fr)