- Education in Kenya refers to the education system in Kenya. It is considered a basic right that should be offered to every individual. Education in Kenya predates to as early as the 18th century among the Swahili people. The earliest school was established by missionaries in Rabai. During the colonial era, the number of Kenyans with exposure to education steadily increased and a good number of them were privileged to proceed abroad for further education. Kenya has manoeuvered through three education curriculums since independence with the latest being, the Competency-Based Curriculum, rolled out in 2017 to replace the 8-4-4 Curriculum that has been in practice since 1985. Even though efforts have been put in place to promote basic education, with illiteracy levels still high among the Kenyan population. Poverty, teenage pregnancy, truancy, drug abuse, among others, all affect the literacy levels of prospective pupils. 2017, Kenya's education system was rated as the strongest among other forty three mainland countries on the African continent by the World Economic Forum. In the following year 2018, the World Bank also ranked Kenya as the top African country for education outcomes. (en)
- Le système éducatif kényan est d'application dans les établissements scolaires publics depuis la rentrée scolaire de janvier 1985. Il est basé sur un cycle de 8-4-4 débutant à l'âge de six ans.
* huit ans d'enseignement primaire (primary school)
* quatre ans d'enseignement secondaire (high school)
* quatre ans d'enseignement supérieur (middle level college ou university college ou university). Cependant, certaines écoles internationales emploient le système éducatif britannique pour les enfants âgés entre 2 et 18 ans. L'anglais et le swahili sont enseignés, en même temps, à l'école primaire et secondaire. Certains comtés ajoutent la langue locale aux programmes de l'école primaire comme l'enseignement du luo dans les comtés de l'ancienne province de Nyanza.Après le secondaire, l'anglais devient la seule langue de référence pour l'apprentissage. (fr)