- التأثير البيئي للطاقة النووية ينتج الأثر البيئي للطاقة النووية عن دورة الوقود النووي وتشغيله وتأثيرات الحوادث النووية. (ar)
- Nuclear power has various environmental impacts, including the construction and operation of the plant, the nuclear fuel cycle, and the effects of nuclear accidents. Nuclear power plants do not burn fossil fuels and so do not directly emit carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide emitted during mining, enrichment, fabrication and transport of fuel is small when compared with the carbon dioxide emitted by fossil fuels of similar energy yield, however, these plants still produce other environmentally damaging wastes. There is a "catastrophic risk" potential if containment fails, which in nuclear reactors can be brought about by overheated fuels melting and releasing large quantities of fission products into the environment. The most long-lived radioactive wastes, including spent nuclear fuel, must be contained and isolated for a long period of time. However, spent nuclear fuel can sometimes be reused, reducing the amount of waste. Emission of radioactivity from a nuclear plant is controlled by regulations. Abnormal operation may result in release of radioactive material on scales ranging from minor to severe, although these scenarios are very rare. In normal operation nuclear power plants release less radioactive material than coal power plants whose fly ash contains significant amounts of thorium, uranium and their daughter nuclides. A large nuclear power plant may reject waste heat to a natural body of water; this can result in undesirable increase of the water temperature with adverse effect on aquatic life. Alternatives include cooling towers. As most commercial nuclear power plants are incapable of online refueling and need periodic shutdowns to exchange spent fuel elements for fresh fuel, many operators schedule this unavoidable downtime for the peak of summer when rivers tend to run lower and the issue of waste heat potentially harming the fluvial environment is most acute. This is especially pronounced in France which produces some 70% of electricity with nuclear power plants and where electric home heating is very widespread. However, in regions with high HVAC power use, the summer season rather than imposing lower power demands may be the peak season of electricity demand complicating scheduled summer shutdowns Mining of uranium ore can disrupt the environment around the mine. However with modern in-situ leaching technology this impact can be reduced compared to "classical" underground- or open-pit mining. Disposal of spent nuclear fuel is controversial, with many proposed long-term storage schemes under intense review and criticism. Nuclear reprocessing and breeder reactors which can decrease the need for storage of spent fuel in a deep geological repository have faced economic and political hurdles but are in some use in Russia, India, China, Japan and France, which are among the countries with the highest nuclear energy production outside the United States. However, the U.S. has not undertaken significant efforts towards either reprocessing or breeder reactors since the 1970s instead relying on the once through fuel cycle. Diversion of fresh- or low-burnup spent fuel to weapons production presents a risk of nuclear proliferation, however all nuclear weapons states derived the material for their first nuclear weapon from (non-power) research reactors or dedicated "production reactors" and/or uranium enrichment. Finally, some parts the structure of the reactor itself becomes radioactive through neutron activation and will require decades of storage before it can be economically dismantled and in turn disposed of as waste. Measures like reducing the Cobalt content in steel to decrease the amount of Cobalt-60 produced by neutron capture can reduce the amount of radioactive material produced and the radiotoxicity that originates from this material. However, part of the issue is not radiological but regulatory as most countries assume any given object that originates from the "hot" (radioactive) area of a nuclear power plant or a facility in the nuclear fuel cycle is ipso facto radioactive, even if no contamination or neutron irradiation induced radioactivity is detectable. (en)
- El impacto ambiental de la energía nuclear es un resultado del ciclo del combustible nuclear, la operación de las centrales nucleares y los efectos de los accidentes nucleares. Los riesgos rutinarios a la salud y las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero provocados por la energía nuclear de fisión son pequeños en relación con aquellos asociados con el uso del carbón, pero adicionalmente existen riesgos catastróficos: la posibilidad de que el recalentamiento del combustible libere cantidades masivas de los productos de la fisión hacia el ambiente, y la proliferación de armas nucleares. La población es sensible a aquellos riesgos y ha existido considerable oposición pública a la energía nuclear. El accidente de Three Mile Island de 1979 y el desastre de Chernóbil de 1986, junto con los altos costos de construcción, acabaron con el rápido crecimiento de la capacidad instalada de generación de energía eléctrica de las centrales nucleares. En marzo de 2011 un terremoto y tsunami causaron daños que provocaron explosiones y una fusión de núcleo parcial en la central nuclear de Fukushima I, Japón. Las preocupaciones acerca de la posibilidad de una fuga de radiación a gran escala resultaron en el establecimiento de una zona de exclusión de 20 km alrededor de la central y que se aconsejara a las personas viviendo en la zona de entre 20–30 km que permanecieran al interior de sus hogares. John Price, un antiguo miembro de la Unidad de Políticas de Seguridad en la empresa británica "National Nuclear Corporation", dijo que podrían pasar 100 años antes de que las barras de combustible fundidas puedan ser sacadas en forma segura desde la central nuclear de Fukushima en Japón. (es)
- {{expand|time=2013-09-05T11:14:55+00:00:3 核能發電對環境的衝擊(The environmental impact of nuclear power)主要来源于核燃料循環、核物质運轉以及所带来的影响。 日常的健康風險和核分裂發電產生的溫室氣體都相對極度小於使用煤,油和天然氣的發電。然而,若核能發電的圍阻體失效的話卻會有“災難性的風險”,如此的狀況在核反應爐中會出現燃料過熱融化並且釋放出大量的放射性物質進入環境。一般公眾對此災難相當敏感因此會有大量的反核運動。 1979年三哩島事件和1986年車諾比核事故伴隨著高昂的建設成本結束了全球核能發電的快速成長。在2011年日本海嘯導致的福島第一核電廠事故災難性地釋放出了放射性物質而被評定為國際核事件分級表中的第7級。大規模的放射線釋出導致核電廠周邊20公里以內的居民疏散,與現仍在運作的車諾比核事故30公里隔離區類似。 (zh)
- التأثير البيئي للطاقة النووية ينتج الأثر البيئي للطاقة النووية عن دورة الوقود النووي وتشغيله وتأثيرات الحوادث النووية. (ar)
- {{expand|time=2013-09-05T11:14:55+00:00:3 核能發電對環境的衝擊(The environmental impact of nuclear power)主要来源于核燃料循環、核物质運轉以及所带来的影响。 日常的健康風險和核分裂發電產生的溫室氣體都相對極度小於使用煤,油和天然氣的發電。然而,若核能發電的圍阻體失效的話卻會有“災難性的風險”,如此的狀況在核反應爐中會出現燃料過熱融化並且釋放出大量的放射性物質進入環境。一般公眾對此災難相當敏感因此會有大量的反核運動。 1979年三哩島事件和1986年車諾比核事故伴隨著高昂的建設成本結束了全球核能發電的快速成長。在2011年日本海嘯導致的福島第一核電廠事故災難性地釋放出了放射性物質而被評定為國際核事件分級表中的第7級。大規模的放射線釋出導致核電廠周邊20公里以內的居民疏散,與現仍在運作的車諾比核事故30公里隔離區類似。 (zh)
- Nuclear power has various environmental impacts, including the construction and operation of the plant, the nuclear fuel cycle, and the effects of nuclear accidents. Nuclear power plants do not burn fossil fuels and so do not directly emit carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide emitted during mining, enrichment, fabrication and transport of fuel is small when compared with the carbon dioxide emitted by fossil fuels of similar energy yield, however, these plants still produce other environmentally damaging wastes. (en)
- El impacto ambiental de la energía nuclear es un resultado del ciclo del combustible nuclear, la operación de las centrales nucleares y los efectos de los accidentes nucleares. Los riesgos rutinarios a la salud y las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero provocados por la energía nuclear de fisión son pequeños en relación con aquellos asociados con el uso del carbón, pero adicionalmente existen riesgos catastróficos: la posibilidad de que el recalentamiento del combustible libere cantidades masivas de los productos de la fisión hacia el ambiente, y la proliferación de armas nucleares. La población es sensible a aquellos riesgos y ha existido considerable oposición pública a la energía nuclear. El accidente de Three Mile Island de 1979 y el desastre de Chernóbil de 1986, junt (es)