- Family Feud is a Philippine television game show based on the American series of the same name, which has aired on multiple networks in four iterations since 2001. The first, on ABC, was hosted by Ogie Alcasid. It premiered on November 19, 2001, and ended after 172 episodes on December 28, 2002. The second series, originally hosted by Richard Gomez (2008–2009), then Dingdong Dantes (2009–2010), and Edu Manzano (2011), premiered on GMA Network on October 13, 2008, and ended after 324 episodes on July 1, 2011. The third series, hosted by Luis Manzano on ABS-CBN, premiered on April 9, 2016, and ended after 109 episodes on May 7, 2017. The fourth series premiered on GMA Network on March 21, 2022 with Dantes returning as host. The series is streaming online on YouTube. (en)
- Family Feud is a Philippine television game show based on the American series of the same name, which has aired on multiple networks in four iterations since 2001. The first, on ABC, was hosted by Ogie Alcasid. It premiered on November 19, 2001, and ended after 172 episodes on December 28, 2002. The second series, originally hosted by Richard Gomez (2008–2009), then Dingdong Dantes (2009–2010), and Edu Manzano (2011), premiered on GMA Network on October 13, 2008, and ended after 324 episodes on July 1, 2011. The series is streaming online on YouTube. (en)