- الفهريون (المعروفون أيضًا باسم بنو عقبة) هم سلالة مسلمة عربية شهيرة من نسل عقبة بن نافع الفهري من بني فهر من قبيلة قريش، برزت في شمال إفريقيا والأندلس خلال القرن الثامن الميلادي. بعد فتح عقبة بن نافع الفهري لإفريقية في 670-680م، وتخطيطه للقيروان. استمر نسله في المنطقة، وشارك العديد من أبنائه وأحفاده في الفتح اللاحق للأندلس عام 712. بعد ثورة البربر في 740-41م، قاتل ابنا عقبة أبو عبيدة وعبد الرحمن لاستعادة إفريقية، وكان حبيب بن أبي عبيدة بن عقبة الفهري من أبرز القادة المسلمين في المغرب حتى قُتل في معركة بقدورة. وتولى عبد الرحمن بن حبيب بن أبي عبيجة الفهري ولاية إفريقية (745-755)م وتولى يوسف بن عبد الرحمن الفهري ولاية الأندلس (747-755)م والذي كان شبه مستقل عن الخلافة. بعد سقوط الدولة الأموية، استقبل الفهريون الأمويين الفارين في الأندلس، وكانوا على خلاف مع الدولة العباسية، حيث ناصروا الأمويين وأعلنوا عدم مبايعة العباسيين. ودعا عبد الرحمن بن حبيب بقايا الأمويين للاحتماء في سلطانه. لكن الحكم انتهى إلى الأمويين في الأندلس وتأسست الإمارة الأموية في قرطبة عام 756م. (ar)
- The Fihrids (Arabic: الفهريون), also known as Banu Fihr (Arabic: بنو فهر), were an Arab family and clan, prominent in North Africa and Al-Andalus in the 8th century. The Fihrids were from the Arabian clan of Banu Fihr, part of the Quraysh, the tribe of the Prophet. Probably the most illustrious of the Fihrids was Uqba ibn Nafi al-Fihri, the Arab Muslim conqueror of North Africa in 670-680s, and founder of al-Qayrawan. Several of his sons and grandsons participated in the subsequent conquest of Hispania in 712. As spearheads of the western conquest, the al-Fihris were probably the leading aristocratic Arab family of Ifriqiya and Al-Andalus in the first half of the 8th century. They produced several governors and military leaders of those provinces. After the Berber Revolt of 740-41, the west fell into a period of anarchy and disorder. The Umayyad Caliph in Damascus, facing revolts in Persia, did not have the resources to re-impose their authority in the west. In the vacuum, the Fihrids, the pre-eminent local Arab family, seized power in the west. Abd al-Rahman ibn Habib al-Fihri in Ifriqiya (745–755) and Yusuf ibn 'Abd al-Rahman al-Fihri in Al-Andalus (747–756) ruled their dominions virtually independently of the Caliphate. For a moment, it seemed as if the Fihrids might succeed in turning the western half of the Islamic world into a private family empire. The Fihrids greeted the fall of the Umayyads in 749-50 with delight, and sought to reach an accommodation with the new Abbasid Caliphs of the east to allow them to continue. But when the Abbasids rejected their offer of nominal vassalship and demanded full submission, the Fihrids broke with the Abbasids and declared independence. In a decision that would prove fatal, Abd al-Rahman ibn Habib invited the remnants of the fugitive Umayyad clan to take refuge in his dominions. He soon regretted his decision. The arriving Umayyad princes, as the sons and grandsons of caliphs, were of more noble blood than the Fihrids themselves, and became a focal point of conspiracies among the Arab nobles of al-Qayrawan, resentful of Ibn Habib's autocracy. Ibn Habib set about persecuting the exiles. One of them, the young Abd al-Rahman, would flee to Al-Andalus, depose the Fihrids there and erect the Umayyad Emirate of Qurtubah in 756. While the Andalusi branch was eclipsed by the Umayyads, the Ifriqiyan branch of the Fihrids descended into a bloody family quarrel in 755, that threw Ifriqiya into chaos, and ended with them being overrun and extinguished in a Kharijite Berber uprising in 757–758. The al-Fihri name continued to have a magical effect in Al-Andalus, and pretenders drawn from that family continued to challenge Umayyad rule until the end of the century. The descendants of this family are found in Fez, Morocco under the name of al-Fassi al-Fihri, and some are found in Tunisia. The genealogy of the Fihrids:
* Nafi al-Fihri
* Oqba ibn Nafi al-Fihri, founder of al-Qayrawan, conqueror of the Maghreb, emir of Ifriqiya (666-674, 681-683)
* Abu Obeida ibn Oqba al-Fihri, participated in conquest of Hispania, 712.
* Habib ibn Abi Obeida al-Fihri, conqueror of Sous, military commander of Ifriqiyan army, fell at Bagdoura in 741.
* Abd al-Rahman ibn Habib, emir of Ifriqiya (745-755)
* Habib ibn Abd al-Rahman, wali of Cyrenaica, killed his uncles Muhammad and Ilyas in combat, emir of Ifriqiya (755-57)
* Abd al-Rahman ibn Habib, 'al-Siqlabi', united with Berber rebel Abu Ha'tem, led Iberian revolt in 778-779.
* Abd al-Rahman ibn Yusuf al-Fihri, governor of Saragossa in 740s.
* Muhammad ibn Yusuf al-Fihri, led Iberian revolt in 785.
* Yusuf ibn 'Abd al-Rahman al-Fihri, emir of Al-Andalus (747-756), wali of Toledo (756-759)
* Muhammad ibn Yusuf
* al-Qasim ibn Yusuf
* Ilyas ibn Habib, murdered his brother Abd al-Rahman, wali of Tripolitana, emir of Ifriqiya (755-56)
* Abd al-Wareth ibn Habib, complicit in murder of Abd al-Rahman
* Amran ibn Habib, opposed to murder of Abd al-Rahman, joined with Habib ibn Abd al-Rahman.
* Khalid ibn Abi Habib, fell at Battle of the Nobles in 740.
* Muhammad ibn Abi Obeida, may have been complicit in murder of Abd al-Rahman, killed in conflict with Habib ibn Abd al-Rahman. (en)
- Le terme Fihrides se rapporte à une famille d'aristocrates arabes issus du clan quraychite des Banu Fihr. Cette famille s'installa dès le VIIe siècle en Ifriqiya et à al-Andalus, à la suite d'Oqba ibn Nafii al-Fihri, où elle joua un rôle de premier plan notamment jusqu'à la fin du VIIIe siècle. Dans l'histoire, cette famille fut appelée de différentes manières, toutes destinées soit à rappeler leur filiation avec Oqba ibn Nafi al-Fihri, soit à rappeler leur origine quraychite : Banu Fihr, Oqbides, Banu al-jad (dans ce dernier cas, en référence à l'aïeul commun avec le prophète Mahomet, ) Les descendants de cette famille se retrouvent aujourd'hui au Maroc sous le nom de Fassi Fihri ou El-Fassi et en Tunisie sous le nom de Fihri . (fr)
- Alfíridas, fíridas ou uquebidas foram uma ilustre família árabe do norte da África e Alandalus descendente de Uqueba ibne Nafi. A genealogia dos alfíridas:
* Nafi Alfiri
* Uqueba ibne Nafi Alfiri, fundador de Cairuão, conquistador do Magrebe e emir da Ifríquia (666-674, 681-683)
* , participou na conquista da Hispânia em 712
* , conquistador de Suz, comandante militar ifríquio, caiu em em 741
* Abderramão ibne Habibe Alfiri, emir da Ifríquia (745–755)
* , uale da Cirenaica, morto por seu tios Maomé e Ilias em combate, emir da Ifríquia (755–757)
* Abderramão ibne Habibe Alciclabi, uniu-se ao rebelde berbere , liderando a revolta ibera em 778-779
* Abderramão ibne Iúçufe Alfiri, governador de Saragoça nos anos 740
* Maomé ibne Iúçufe Alfiri, liderou a revolta ibera em 785
* Iúçufe ibne Abderramão Alfiri, emir do Alandalus (747–756) e uale de Toledo (756–759)
* Maomé ibne Iúçufe
* Alcácime ibne Iúçufe
* , matou seu irmão Abderramão, uale da Tripolitânia, e emir da Ifríquia (755–756)
* , implicado na morte de Abderramão
* Anrã ibne Habibe Alfiri, se opôs à morte de Abderramão e se juntou a Habibe ibne Abderramão
* Calide ibne Abu Habibe Alfiri, caiu na de 740
* Maomé ibne Abu Ubaida, pode ter se envolvido no assassinato de Abderramão e foi morto em conflito com Habibe ibne Abderramão (pt)
- الفهريون (المعروفون أيضًا باسم بنو عقبة) هم سلالة مسلمة عربية شهيرة من نسل عقبة بن نافع الفهري من بني فهر من قبيلة قريش، برزت في شمال إفريقيا والأندلس خلال القرن الثامن الميلادي. بعد فتح عقبة بن نافع الفهري لإفريقية في 670-680م، وتخطيطه للقيروان. استمر نسله في المنطقة، وشارك العديد من أبنائه وأحفاده في الفتح اللاحق للأندلس عام 712. (ar)
- The Fihrids (Arabic: الفهريون), also known as Banu Fihr (Arabic: بنو فهر), were an Arab family and clan, prominent in North Africa and Al-Andalus in the 8th century. The Fihrids were from the Arabian clan of Banu Fihr, part of the Quraysh, the tribe of the Prophet. Probably the most illustrious of the Fihrids was Uqba ibn Nafi al-Fihri, the Arab Muslim conqueror of North Africa in 670-680s, and founder of al-Qayrawan. Several of his sons and grandsons participated in the subsequent conquest of Hispania in 712. The genealogy of the Fihrids: (en)
- Le terme Fihrides se rapporte à une famille d'aristocrates arabes issus du clan quraychite des Banu Fihr. Cette famille s'installa dès le VIIe siècle en Ifriqiya et à al-Andalus, à la suite d'Oqba ibn Nafii al-Fihri, où elle joua un rôle de premier plan notamment jusqu'à la fin du VIIIe siècle. Dans l'histoire, cette famille fut appelée de différentes manières, toutes destinées soit à rappeler leur filiation avec Oqba ibn Nafi al-Fihri, soit à rappeler leur origine quraychite : Banu Fihr, Oqbides, Banu al-jad (dans ce dernier cas, en référence à l'aïeul commun avec le prophète Mahomet, ) (fr)
- Alfíridas, fíridas ou uquebidas foram uma ilustre família árabe do norte da África e Alandalus descendente de Uqueba ibne Nafi. A genealogia dos alfíridas:
* Nafi Alfiri
* Uqueba ibne Nafi Alfiri, fundador de Cairuão, conquistador do Magrebe e emir da Ifríquia (666-674, 681-683)
* , participou na conquista da Hispânia em 712
* , conquistador de Suz, comandante militar ifríquio, caiu em em 741
* Abderramão ibne Habibe Alfiri, emir da Ifríquia (745–755)
* , uale da Cirenaica, morto por seu tios Maomé e Ilias em combate, emir da Ifríquia (755–757)
* Abderramão ibne Habibe Alciclabi, uniu-se ao rebelde berbere , liderando a revolta ibera em 778-779
* Abderramão ibne Iúçufe Alfiri, governador de Saragoça nos anos 740
* Maomé ibne Iúçufe Alfiri, liderou a revolta ibera em 785
* Iúçufe (pt)