- Though the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) is the government agency responsible for the conduct of foreign relations of Nepal, historically, it is the Office of Prime Minister (PMO) that has exercised the authority to formulate and conduct policies related to Nepal's foreign affairs. As a landlocked country wedged between two larger and far stronger powers, Nepal has tried to maintain good relations with both of its neighbors, People's Republic of China and Republic of India. Nepal's relationship with China, India, and the United States has remained utmost priority for successive Nepali governments. The relationship between Nepal and India however was significantly hampered during the 2015 Nepal blockade by pro-Indian anti-Nepal protestors, where the Government of Nepal accused India of using "Russia-Ukraine" tactics to cause unrest along Nepal's southern border using ethnically Indian residents of Nepal. India strictly denied the allegation and said the unrest were solely due to Madheshi protesters. For the most part though, Nepal has traditionally maintained a non-aligned policy and enjoys friendly relations with its neighboring countries and almost all the major countries of the world. Constitutionally, foreign policy is to be guided by "the principles of the United Nations Charter, nonalignment, Panchsheel (five principles of peaceful coexistence), international law and the value of world peace." In practice, foreign policy has not been directed toward projecting influence internationally but toward preserving autonomy and addressing domestic economic and security issues. Nepal's most substantive international relations are perhaps with international economic institutions, such as the Asian Development Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, a multilateral economic development association. Nepal also has strong bilateral relations with major providers of economic and military aid, such as France, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Switzerland, the United States, and particularly the United Kingdom, with whom military ties date to the nineteenth century. The country's external relations, barring relations with India, China, and the United States are primarily managed by its Ministry of Foreign Affairs while relationship with India, China, and the United State Nepal's most important partners, is still managed by the Prime Minister's Office. Nepal's relation with China has seen a major upswing in the recent years with China now becoming Nepal's top 5 aid donor to Nepal while the US continues to remain the largest foreign aid donor to Nepal. In 2021, Indian government also announced increment of aid to Nepal by nearly 13% to $130 million, to counter China's growing footprint in Nepal. The data on actual disbursement of aid by Indian government is however unclear. (en)
- Il Nepal ha tradizionalmente portato avanti una politica non-allineata e gode di relazioni amichevoli con paesi vicini. Senza sbocchi al mare, il paese mantiene buone relazioni con la Repubblica Popolare Cinese. La relazione con l'India procede a fasi alterne. Costituzionalmente, la politica estera deve essere guidata da «i principi della Carta delle Nazioni Unite, non-allineamento, (Cinque Principi di Coesistenza Pacifica), diritto internazionale ed il valore della pace mondiale». In pratica, la politica estera del Nepal si è indirizzata non verso l'influenza internazionale, ma verso la preservazione dell'autonomia e a questioni interne, economiche e di sicurezza. Le relazioni più sostanziali sono forse quelle con istituzioni economiche internazionali, come ad esempio l'Asian Development Bank, il Fondo Monetario Internazionale, la Banca Mondiale e la SAARC. Il Nepal ha anche forti relazioni economiche multilaterali con i principali fornitori di aiuti economici e militari, tra i quali Francia, Germania, Giappone, Malesia, Svizzera e Stati Uniti ed in particolare con il Regno Unito, con il quale i legami militari risalgono al XIX secolo. Le relazioni esterne del paese sono in primo luogo gestite dal Ministero degli Affari Esteri del Nepal. L'attuale ministro degli esteri è . (it)
- 本列表为尼泊尔建交列表,包括尼泊尔王国和其后继政权尼泊尔联邦民主共和国与各国间的建交史记录。 截至2022年,尼泊尔已与177个国家建交,包括176个联合国成员国,以及梵蒂冈。 (zh)
- Внешняя политика Непала — это общий курс Непала в международных делах. Внешняя политика регулирует отношения Непала с другими государствами. Реализацией этой политики занимается . (ru)
- 本列表为尼泊尔建交列表,包括尼泊尔王国和其后继政权尼泊尔联邦民主共和国与各国间的建交史记录。 截至2022年,尼泊尔已与177个国家建交,包括176个联合国成员国,以及梵蒂冈。 (zh)
- Внешняя политика Непала — это общий курс Непала в международных делах. Внешняя политика регулирует отношения Непала с другими государствами. Реализацией этой политики занимается . (ru)
- Though the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) is the government agency responsible for the conduct of foreign relations of Nepal, historically, it is the Office of Prime Minister (PMO) that has exercised the authority to formulate and conduct policies related to Nepal's foreign affairs. As a landlocked country wedged between two larger and far stronger powers, Nepal has tried to maintain good relations with both of its neighbors, People's Republic of China and Republic of India. Nepal's relationship with China, India, and the United States has remained utmost priority for successive Nepali governments. The relationship between Nepal and India however was significantly hampered during the 2015 Nepal blockade by pro-Indian anti-Nepal protestors, where the Government of Nepal accused India of (en)
- Il Nepal ha tradizionalmente portato avanti una politica non-allineata e gode di relazioni amichevoli con paesi vicini. Senza sbocchi al mare, il paese mantiene buone relazioni con la Repubblica Popolare Cinese. La relazione con l'India procede a fasi alterne. L'attuale ministro degli esteri è . (it)