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Grave Circle A is a 16th-century BC royal cemetery situated to the south of the Lion Gate, the main entrance of the Bronze Age citadel of Mycenae in southern Greece. This burial complex was initially constructed outside the walls of Mycenae and ultimately enclosed in the acropolis when the fortification was extended during the 13th century BC. Grave Circle A and Grave Circle B, the latter found outside the walls of Mycenae, represents one of the significant characteristics of the early phase of the Mycenaean civilization.

Property Value
  • El cercle de tombes A és una necròpoli de l'edat del bronze que es troba a l'interior de l'acròpoli de Micenes. Es descobrí en les excavacions realitzades al 1876 per Heinrich Schliemann. Al seu interior aparegueren restes de cadàvers i molts objectes pertanyents a l'aixovar funerari. La major part dels objectes trobats s'exposen al Museu Arqueològic Nacional d'Atenes. (ca)
  • Gräberrund A, Schachtgräberrund A, Grabzirkel A oder Gräberkreis A (griechisch Ταφικός περίβολος Αʹ) bezeichnen einen königlichen Friedhof aus der Bronzezeit auf der Zitadelle von Mykene. Er folgte im 16. Jahrhundert v. Chr. auf Gräberrund B und wurde schließlich zugunsten der Kuppelgräber, die in der Folge für die Oberschicht die bevorzugte Grabform bildeten, aufgegeben. (de)
  • Ο ταφικός περίβολος Α' των Μυκηνών υπήρξε το βασιλικό νεκροταφείο των Μυκηναίων ηγεμόνων κατά τον 16ο αιώνα π.Χ., της πρώιμης εποχής του Μυκηναϊκού Πολιτισμού. Βρίσκεται εντός των τειχών της ακρόπολης, νοτιοανατολικά και σε μικρή απόσταση από την κύρια είσοδο, γνωστή ως Πύλη των Λεόντων. Αρχικά ο περίβολος βρισκόταν εκτός των οχυρώσεων των Μυκηνών, όμως με την επέκταση του 13ου αιώνα π.Χ. συμπεριλήφθηκε εντός αυτών. Οι ταφικοί περίβολοι Α', όπως και ο Β', ο τελευταίος εκτός των τειχών, αποτελούν σταθμό στην πρώιμη περίοδο του Μυκηναϊκού πολιτισμού. Ο χώρος ήρθε στην επιφάνεια από τον αρχαιολόγο Ερρίκο Σλήμαν το 1876, ακολουθώντας τις περιγραφές του Ομήρου και του Παυσανίας. Ανάμεσα στα πλούσια ευρήματα ανακαλύφθηκε και σειρά χρυσών νεκρικών προσωπείων, ένα από το οποίο είναι γνωστό ως Μάσκα του Αγαμέμνονα. Την ονομασία την έλαβε από τον ίδιο τον Σλήμαν, όμως αποδείχτηκε τελικά ότι το προσωπείο ανήκε σε ηγεμόνα που έζησε τρεις αιώνες νωρίτερα από την υποτιθέμενη εποχή του μυθικού Αγαμέμνονα. (el)
  • Grave Circle A is a 16th-century BC royal cemetery situated to the south of the Lion Gate, the main entrance of the Bronze Age citadel of Mycenae in southern Greece. This burial complex was initially constructed outside the walls of Mycenae and ultimately enclosed in the acropolis when the fortification was extended during the 13th century BC. Grave Circle A and Grave Circle B, the latter found outside the walls of Mycenae, represents one of the significant characteristics of the early phase of the Mycenaean civilization. The site circle has a diameter of 27.5 m (90ft) and contains six shaft graves. The largest of the shaft graves measures about 6.5 m (21 ft 3 in) in length and about 4.1 m (13 ft 6 in) in width. A total of nineteen bodies of men, women, and children buried here, with two to five bodies per shaft. It has been suggested that a mound was constructed over each grave, and funeral stelae were erected. Among the funerary gifts found were a series of gold death masks, full sets of weapons, ornate staffs, gold jewelry, as well as gold and silver cups. The funerary gifts found here are more precious than that of those at Grave Circle B. It has been estimated that Circle A contained about 15 kilos of gold in total (not all of high purity); a considerable quantity, but a good deal less than in just the inner coffin of Tutankhamun. The site was excavated by the archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann in 1876, following the descriptions of Homer and Pausanias. One of the five gold death masks he unearthed became known as "The Death Mask of Agamemnon", ruler of Mycenae, of Greek mythology. However, it has been proven that the burials are dated approximately three centuries earlier before Agamemnon is supposed to have lived. The valuable funerary gifts in the graves suggest that powerful rulers were buried in this site. Although Agamemnon was supposed to have lived centuries later, these graves might have belonged to the former ruling dynasty of Mycenae – in Greek mythology, the Perseids. In later Greek mythology, Mycenae had a period where two kings ruled, and archeologists have suggested that these dual graves may correspond to both kings. (en)
  • El Círculo de tumbas A es una necrópolis de la Edad del Bronce que se encuentra en el interior de la acrópolis de Micenas. Fue hallada en las excavaciones realizadas en 1876 por Heinrich Schliemann. En su interior se encontraron restos de cadáveres y abundantes objetos pertenecientes al ajuar funerario. La mayor parte de los objetos hallados se exponen en el Museo Arqueológico Nacional de Atenas. (es)
  • La Tomba circolare A è un cimitero reale del XVI secolo a.C. situato a sud della Porta dei Leoni, l'ingresso principale della cittadella di età del bronzo di Micene nel sud della Grecia. Questo complesso funerario fu inizialmente costruito al di fuori delle mura di fortificazione di Micene, ma alla fine fu racchiuso nell'acropoli quando le fortificazioni furono estese durante il XIII secolo a.C. La tomba circolare A e la tomba circolare B, quest'ultima scoperta al di fuori delle mura di Micene, rappresentano una delle principali caratteristiche della prima fase della civiltà micenea. Il cerchio ha un diametro di 27,5 m e contiene sei fosse d'albero, dove vi sono sei tombe per un totale di diciannove corpi sepolti. È stato suggerito di costruire un tumulo su ogni tomba e sono state erette delle steli funerarie. Tra gli oggetti trovati c'erano una serie di maschere mortuarie d'oro, inoltre accanto al defunto c'erano una serie completa di armi, stendardi decorati e coppe d'oro e d'argento. Il sito fu scavato dall'archeologo Heinrich Schliemann nel 1876, in seguito alle descrizioni di Omero e Pausania. Una delle maschere d'oro che ha portato alla luce è diventata nota come La maschera della morte di Agamennone, dominatore di Micene secondo la mitologia greca. Tuttavia, è stato dimostrato che le sepolture risalgono a circa tre secoli prima, prima che Agamennone avrebbe regnato. Gli oggetti di valore trovati nelle tombe suggeriscono che potenti sovrani furono sepolti in questo sito. Anche se si supponeva che Agamennone fosse vissuto secoli dopo, queste tombe avrebbero potuto appartenere alla precedente dinastia regnante di Micene secondo la mitologia greca, i Perseidi. Secondo la mitologia greca Micene ebbe un periodo in cui regnarono due re. Gli archeologi hanno suggerito che queste due tombe possono corrispondere a entrambi i re. (it)
  • 31133221 (xsd:integer)
  • 22530 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1113590913 (xsd:integer)
  • right (en)
  • Resting place of the Mycenaean ruling families (en)
  • Grave Circle A and the main entrance of the citadel (en)
  • Drawing of the so-called Battle in the Glen ring. (en)
  • The ring in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens (en)
  • center (en)
  • horizontal (en)
  • 'Mask of Agamemnon' and set of swords , Grave V. (en)
  • Gold elliptical diadem, Grave III, and part of a funeral stele depicting a chariot scene . (en)
  • Hunting scene on the Lion Hunt Dagger blade and bull's head , Grave IV. (en)
  • 16 (xsd:integer)
  • Ring with "Battle in the Glen" scene (en)
  • MaskeAgamemnon.JPG (en)
  • Hunting Mycenaean Dagger.jpg (en)
  • Mycenaean_bronze_swords.JPG (en)
  • Armed combat in Mountain Glen.jpg (en)
  • Exhibit_Archaeologycal_Museum_Athens.JPG (en)
  • Gold in NAMA 02.JPG (en)
  • Mycenaean ring1.jpg (en)
  • Stele of Grave Circle A Mycenae.jpg (en)
  • 300 (xsd:integer)
  • Greece (en)
  • yes (en)
  • 300 (xsd:integer)
  • Grave Circle A (en)
  • Greek (en)
  • Ταφικός περίβολος A' (en)
  • 400 (xsd:integer)
  • 140 (xsd:integer)
  • 162 (xsd:integer)
  • 216 (xsd:integer)
  • 37.73027777777778 22.75611111111111
  • El cercle de tombes A és una necròpoli de l'edat del bronze que es troba a l'interior de l'acròpoli de Micenes. Es descobrí en les excavacions realitzades al 1876 per Heinrich Schliemann. Al seu interior aparegueren restes de cadàvers i molts objectes pertanyents a l'aixovar funerari. La major part dels objectes trobats s'exposen al Museu Arqueològic Nacional d'Atenes. (ca)
  • Gräberrund A, Schachtgräberrund A, Grabzirkel A oder Gräberkreis A (griechisch Ταφικός περίβολος Αʹ) bezeichnen einen königlichen Friedhof aus der Bronzezeit auf der Zitadelle von Mykene. Er folgte im 16. Jahrhundert v. Chr. auf Gräberrund B und wurde schließlich zugunsten der Kuppelgräber, die in der Folge für die Oberschicht die bevorzugte Grabform bildeten, aufgegeben. (de)
  • El Círculo de tumbas A es una necrópolis de la Edad del Bronce que se encuentra en el interior de la acrópolis de Micenas. Fue hallada en las excavaciones realizadas en 1876 por Heinrich Schliemann. En su interior se encontraron restos de cadáveres y abundantes objetos pertenecientes al ajuar funerario. La mayor parte de los objetos hallados se exponen en el Museo Arqueológico Nacional de Atenas. (es)
  • Ο ταφικός περίβολος Α' των Μυκηνών υπήρξε το βασιλικό νεκροταφείο των Μυκηναίων ηγεμόνων κατά τον 16ο αιώνα π.Χ., της πρώιμης εποχής του Μυκηναϊκού Πολιτισμού. Βρίσκεται εντός των τειχών της ακρόπολης, νοτιοανατολικά και σε μικρή απόσταση από την κύρια είσοδο, γνωστή ως Πύλη των Λεόντων. Αρχικά ο περίβολος βρισκόταν εκτός των οχυρώσεων των Μυκηνών, όμως με την επέκταση του 13ου αιώνα π.Χ. συμπεριλήφθηκε εντός αυτών. Οι ταφικοί περίβολοι Α', όπως και ο Β', ο τελευταίος εκτός των τειχών, αποτελούν σταθμό στην πρώιμη περίοδο του Μυκηναϊκού πολιτισμού. (el)
  • Grave Circle A is a 16th-century BC royal cemetery situated to the south of the Lion Gate, the main entrance of the Bronze Age citadel of Mycenae in southern Greece. This burial complex was initially constructed outside the walls of Mycenae and ultimately enclosed in the acropolis when the fortification was extended during the 13th century BC. Grave Circle A and Grave Circle B, the latter found outside the walls of Mycenae, represents one of the significant characteristics of the early phase of the Mycenaean civilization. (en)
  • La Tomba circolare A è un cimitero reale del XVI secolo a.C. situato a sud della Porta dei Leoni, l'ingresso principale della cittadella di età del bronzo di Micene nel sud della Grecia. Questo complesso funerario fu inizialmente costruito al di fuori delle mura di fortificazione di Micene, ma alla fine fu racchiuso nell'acropoli quando le fortificazioni furono estese durante il XIII secolo a.C. La tomba circolare A e la tomba circolare B, quest'ultima scoperta al di fuori delle mura di Micene, rappresentano una delle principali caratteristiche della prima fase della civiltà micenea. (it)
  • Cercle de tombes A (ca)
  • Gräberrund A (de)
  • Ταφικός Περίβολος Α' (el)
  • Círculo de tumbas A (es)
  • Grave Circle A, Mycenae (en)
  • Tomba circolare A (it)
  • POINT(22.75611114502 37.730278015137)
  • 37.730278 (xsd:float)
  • 22.756111 (xsd:float)
  • Grave Circle A (en)
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