- Himegoto (Japanese: ひめゴト, lit. "Secret"), also known as Secret Princess, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Norio Tsukudani. It was originally serialized in Ichijinsha's Waai! magazine, but was later featured in three additional magazines published by Ichijinsha: Waai! Mahalo, Monthly Comic Rex and Febri. Collectively, Himegoto was serialized across the four magazines from November 2011 to June 2015 and was collected into six tankōbon volumes. The story focuses on Hime Arikawa, a high school boy whose sizable debt is paid off by the girls of his school's student council. In exchange, he agrees to join the student council and spend the rest of his high school life dressed as a girl. An anime television series adaptation by Asahi Production aired from July to September 2014. Critics panned it for its characters, its focus on humiliation and shame, and reliance on a single joke throughout the series. (en)
- Himegoto (ひめゴト ''Himegoto''? lit. Secreto), también conocido como Secret Princess, es un manga japonés escrito e ilustrado por Norio Tsukudani. Fue originalmente serializado en Ichijinsha Waai! pero más tarde apareció en tres revistas adicionales publicadas por Ichijinsha: Waai! Mahalo, Comic Rex y Febri. Himegoto se publicó en serie en las cuatro revistas de noviembre de 2011 a junio de 2015 y se recopiló en seis revistas tankōbon. Una adaptación de anime de 13 episodios, dirigida por Yūji Yanase y producida por Asahi Production, se emitió en Japón entre julio y septiembre de 2014. Los críticos señalaron un enfoque general en la humillación y la vergüenza, y lo analizaron por sus personajes y su confianza en un solo chiste a lo largo de la serie. (es)
- Himegoto (ひめゴト, lit. Secret), juga dikenal sebagai Secret Princess, adalah sebuah seri manga Jepang yang ditulis dan diilustrasikan oleh . Seri tersebut awalnya diserialisasikan dalam majalah Ichijinsha Waai!, tetapi kemudian tampil dalam tiga majalah tambahan yang diterbitkan oleh Ichijinsha: Waai! Mahalo, dan Febri. (in)
- Himegoto (ひめゴト? lett. "Segreto"), noto anche come Secret Princess (lett. "Principessa segreta"), è un manga scritto e disegnato da Norio Tsukudani. È stato serializzato inizialmente sulla rivista Waii! di Ichijinsha, ma in seguito è proseguito su tre periodici differenti della stessa casa editrice: Waai! Mahalo, Comic Rex e Febri. Includendo tutte le fasi di pubblicazione, Himegoto è stato serializzato su quattro riviste differenti tra novembre 2011 e giugno 2015 e i capitoli della serie sono stati raccolti in sei volumi tankōbon. Lo studio Asahi Production ha prodotto un adattamento anime di 13 episodi, diretto da Yūji Yanase e trasmesso in Giappone tra luglio e settembre 2014. (it)
- 『ひめゴト』 (SECRET PRINCESS HIMEGOTO) は、佃煮のりおによる日本の男の娘系ラブコメディ4コマ漫画作品。一迅社の『わぁい!』vol.7より連載開始。その後、好評につき、『わぁい!Mahalo』や『月刊ComicREX』でも連載されることになり、『月刊ComicREX』では2013年12月号から連載開始。『わぁい!』では4コマ漫画、『わぁいMahalo』は舞台と登場人物を変えたスピンアウトの4コマ漫画『ひめゴト+』、『月刊ComicREX』はストーリー漫画という違いがある。なお、『わぁい!』連載分は雑誌の休刊に伴いvol.16で終了となっている。『月刊ComicREX』2014年8月号増刊『Febri』Vol.23でも連載が始まっている。 『月刊ComicREX』『Febri』2015年8月号掲載分をもって一旦完結したが、2017年12月31日に開催されたコミックマーケット93にて佃煮のサークル『のりおいける!』から事実上の続編となる同人誌『ひめゴト もういっちょ!』が頒布されている。 (ja)
- 《偽姬物語》(日语:ひめゴト)是佃煮海苔男所創作的四格漫畫。最初連載於一迅社雜誌《》,後來各於其他三款雜誌連載額外漫畫,分別是《Waai! Mahalo》、《Comic REX》、《Febri》。13集由柳瀨雄之擔任導演、旭Production製作的改編電視動畫於2014年7月至9月播放。 (zh)
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- Illustration of Kaguya and Hime, two feminine boys wearing girls' school uniforms (en)
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- Volume 6 manga cover, featuring Kaguya Arikawa and Hime Arikawa (en)
- * (en)
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* (en)
- *Himegoto chapters 4–10 (en)
- *Himegoto chapters 15–16 (en)
- *Himegoto chapters 1–9 (en)
- *Himegoto extra chapter:
* (en)
- *Himegoto+ chapters 1–4 (en)
- *Himegoto chapters 16–22
*Himegoto chapters 3–5 (en)
- *Himegoto chapters 11–15
*Himegoto chapters 1–2
*Himegoto extra chapter: (en)
- *Himegoto chapters 6–7
*Himegoto chapters 23–28 (en)
- *Himegoto chapters 10–14
*Himegoto+ chapters 5–7
*Himegoto chapters 1–3 (en)
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- いわゆるガサ入れですわ (en)
- おっぱい丸出しだけどいいの? (en)
- かわいいな、 くそ・・・ (en)
- ごめんね、ひめくん (en)
- で?結局はみ出てたの? (en)
- はじめてだから優しくしてください (en)
- ひめにぃ、生徒会やめるってよ (en)
- ギリギリのものをはいてもらいたい! (en)
- ナ二その設定 (en)
- ローアングル大丈夫ですか? (en)
- 今のお前ならイける (en)
- 正論だけど黙ろうね (en)
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- 2014-07-14 (xsd:date)
- 2014-07-21 (xsd:date)
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- 2014-08-18 (xsd:date)
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- When Hime arrives home, he is greeted by his younger, cross-dressing brother Kaguya who is overjoyed that Hime now cross-dresses, too. The next day, Hime's friend Tadokoro feels him up, which earns him a kick from Unko. Tadokoro tries to ask 18-kin out of tea, but she slaps him with a wad of cash and tells him to dress as a girl first if he wants to get her attention. Kaguya, along with his friend No. 1, are watching all of this from nearby, and Kaguya is angry that 18-kin is so clingy towards his brother. Mitsunaga Oda and Hiro from the public morals committee are also keeping on eye on the student council. Mitsunaga tells Kaguya that he wants to overthrow the current student council, and Kaguya agrees to help. Kaguya tells Hime that he will save him from the student council and runs off with Mitsunaga, Hiro and No. 1 in tow. (en)
- Hime is dejected over his bad grades, but he learns the others student council members all rank high in their grade, with Albertina fifth, 18-kin second, and Unko first. The girls start to teach Hime how to properly study, starting with health education, followed by them commenting on how Hime cross-dresses. When they move onto math, Unko shows Hime how to do some problems, and 18-kin tells Hime to take off four pieces of clothing for the four questions he missed on the math test. After Hime gets a history question wrong, leading to 18-kin completely stripping Hime. (en)
- The student council members help out the art club by making Hime pose semi-nude for two of the girls in the club. Although Hime is initially reluctant, he eventually agrees to do it. Albertina draws an example of Hime in a suggestive pose, leading art club members to realize she is in fact a manga author writing for Yuri Hime. Afterwards, Unko shows Hime Albertina's new series, Magical Boy Hime Kiss, with a main character modeled after Hime. Albertina yells at Hime through her stuffed toy Magyorubo for not meeting her expectations when he posed for the art club. (en)
- The public morals committee members check uniforms in the morning before school starts. In the process, Kaguya learns that Hiro is a guy, and Mitsunaga learns that No. 1 is a girl. Mitsunaga tries to tell 18-kin off about her uniform, but she ignores him, and Unko runs into Mitsunaga on her bike. After the inspection, Kaguya writes down the names of the public morals committee members as those with uniform infractions. (en)
- Hime stops two male students from peeping into the girls' changing room, but while initially angry at him, they soon strip Hime down and fondle him. Meanwhile, 18-kin, Unko and Albertina watch this unfold, and are reluctant to stop it because they want to continuing watching. Mitsunaga and Hiro arrive and fend off the male students, and Mitsunaga blows the points out that the student council girls were watching nearby. Hime is hurt that they would watch and do nothing, and he runs away in tears. Hime goes home dejected, and the following day, Kaguya goes to the student council and tells them Hime said he is leaving the student council. (en)
- Hime is told to cross-dress and meet the other student council members at the mall. While waiting, two guys hit on Hime, but they are driven away when the student council girls arrive. They head to a lingerie store to buy Hime a bra, but Albertina gets angry when Hime mentions that he is "boobless". Although Hime initially declines to be measured, Albertina drags him away and forcibly measures his bra size. Later at home, Hime tries on one of several bras he bought, but Kaguya walks in on him posing in front of a mirror. (en)
- The student council members go to a dōjinshi convention where Hime helps to sell Albertina's new titles. After they sell out, 18-kin gets Hime to cosplay as the main character from Magical Boy Hime Kiss and go outside to get his picture taken. A crowd soon forms, which attracts the attention of Mitsunaga and the other members on the public morals committee. However, because Mitsunaga and Kaguya are in their school uniforms and Hiro is dressed as a maid, they are mistaken for being cosplayers. Afterward, they all go to a restaurant, and No. 1 points out to Kaguya that looks the cutest. (en)
- The student council members are instructed to practice with the swimming club, and Hime is reluctant about wearing a girl's swimsuit. The public morals committee arrives, and Unko suggests they have a contest to decide who gets to use the pool. The first race is between Unko and Kaguya, but Kaguya is surprised at Unko's swimming speed and loses to her. The second race is between Mitsunaga and Hime, but Hime immediately starts drowning because he cannot swim. 18-kin jumps in and saves Hime. Afterward, Hime reflexively covers his bare chest, and 18-kin comments that he finally has the mind of a girl. (en)
- The student council receives instructions from Shimoshina High School's chairman, 18-kin's father, to help out some clubs. First, they help out the cheerleading club, and Hime later cheers for their volleyball team at a match, leading to Shimoshina's victory. Next, they help out the photography club, which has Hime modeling various cosplay outfits. Hime later gets angry at the other student council members for keeping the photos. (en)
- During the Shimoshina cultural festival, the student council participates in a girl's swimsuit contest. When Kaguya realizes the contest has already begun, he takes Mitsunaga along so they and Hiro can also participate in it. 18-kin gives Hime a push, causing him to fall over and inadvertently expose to the crowd that he is a guy. As a result, Hime wins the contest. (en)
- During lunch, the student council girls miss having Hime around. After school, Hime is attacked by the two male students from the previous day, but he is quickly saved by Unko knocking them out. Unko and Albertina apologize to Hime, and 18-kin is at a loss for what to say. Another day, the student council is tasked with boosting the sales of the school's dining hall, so they all cosplay, with Hime dresses as a waitress. Mitsunaga interferes with the other public morals committee members in tow, and when Hime's guard is down, 18-kin kisses him. (en)
- Mitsunaga invites Hime, Kaguya and No. 1 over to his house, but 18-kin, Unko and Albertina come too after 18-kin overhears Hime talking about it. They all go to Mitsunaga's room, but after he leaves for a few minutes, 18-kin, Unko, Albertina and Kaguya look through Mitsunaga's underwear draws with Hiro's help. Mitsunaga comes back in a kimono, and he lets Hime and Kaguya wear kimono, too. Hime accidentally falls over and gets entangled with Kaguya and Mitsunaga. Despite his denials, Mitsunaga is visibly happy about having all of them over. (en)
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- And? Did it Spill Out? (en)
- Basically, a Household Search (en)
- Can I Take a Low-Angle Shot? (en)
- Hime-nii Said He's Quitting the Student Council (en)
- I'd Go For You Right Now (en)
- It's My First Time, So Please Be Gentle (en)
- Sorry, Hime-kun (en)
- That's a Valid Argument, But Let's Keep It Secret (en)
- We'd Like You to Wear the Riskiest Thing Possible! (en)
- What's With That Scenario?! (en)
- You're So Cute, Damn it... (en)
- Your Boobs Are Fully Exposed. Is That Okay? (en)
- De? Kekkyoku Hamideteta no? (en)
- Girigiri no Mono o Haite Moraitai! (en)
- Gomen ne, Hime-kun (en)
- Hajimete dakara Yasashiku Shite Kudasai (en)
- Hime-nii, Seitokai Yameru tte yo (en)
- Ima no Omae nara Ikeru (en)
- Iwayuru Gasaire desu wa (en)
- Kawaii na, Kuso... (en)
- Nani Sono Settei (en)
- Oppai Marudashi dakedo Ii no? (en)
- Rō Anguru Daijōbu desu ka? (en)
- Seiron dakedo Damarō ne (en)
- manga (en)
- tv series (en)
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- Himegoto (ひめゴト, lit. Secret), juga dikenal sebagai Secret Princess, adalah sebuah seri manga Jepang yang ditulis dan diilustrasikan oleh . Seri tersebut awalnya diserialisasikan dalam majalah Ichijinsha Waai!, tetapi kemudian tampil dalam tiga majalah tambahan yang diterbitkan oleh Ichijinsha: Waai! Mahalo, dan Febri. (in)
- 『ひめゴト』 (SECRET PRINCESS HIMEGOTO) は、佃煮のりおによる日本の男の娘系ラブコメディ4コマ漫画作品。一迅社の『わぁい!』vol.7より連載開始。その後、好評につき、『わぁい!Mahalo』や『月刊ComicREX』でも連載されることになり、『月刊ComicREX』では2013年12月号から連載開始。『わぁい!』では4コマ漫画、『わぁいMahalo』は舞台と登場人物を変えたスピンアウトの4コマ漫画『ひめゴト+』、『月刊ComicREX』はストーリー漫画という違いがある。なお、『わぁい!』連載分は雑誌の休刊に伴いvol.16で終了となっている。『月刊ComicREX』2014年8月号増刊『Febri』Vol.23でも連載が始まっている。 『月刊ComicREX』『Febri』2015年8月号掲載分をもって一旦完結したが、2017年12月31日に開催されたコミックマーケット93にて佃煮のサークル『のりおいける!』から事実上の続編となる同人誌『ひめゴト もういっちょ!』が頒布されている。 (ja)
- 《偽姬物語》(日语:ひめゴト)是佃煮海苔男所創作的四格漫畫。最初連載於一迅社雜誌《》,後來各於其他三款雜誌連載額外漫畫,分別是《Waai! Mahalo》、《Comic REX》、《Febri》。13集由柳瀨雄之擔任導演、旭Production製作的改編電視動畫於2014年7月至9月播放。 (zh)
- Himegoto (ひめゴト ''Himegoto''? lit. Secreto), también conocido como Secret Princess, es un manga japonés escrito e ilustrado por Norio Tsukudani. Fue originalmente serializado en Ichijinsha Waai! pero más tarde apareció en tres revistas adicionales publicadas por Ichijinsha: Waai! Mahalo, Comic Rex y Febri. Himegoto se publicó en serie en las cuatro revistas de noviembre de 2011 a junio de 2015 y se recopiló en seis revistas tankōbon. (es)
- Himegoto (Japanese: ひめゴト, lit. "Secret"), also known as Secret Princess, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Norio Tsukudani. It was originally serialized in Ichijinsha's Waai! magazine, but was later featured in three additional magazines published by Ichijinsha: Waai! Mahalo, Monthly Comic Rex and Febri. Collectively, Himegoto was serialized across the four magazines from November 2011 to June 2015 and was collected into six tankōbon volumes. (en)
- Himegoto (ひめゴト? lett. "Segreto"), noto anche come Secret Princess (lett. "Principessa segreta"), è un manga scritto e disegnato da Norio Tsukudani. È stato serializzato inizialmente sulla rivista Waii! di Ichijinsha, ma in seguito è proseguito su tre periodici differenti della stessa casa editrice: Waai! Mahalo, Comic Rex e Febri. Includendo tutte le fasi di pubblicazione, Himegoto è stato serializzato su quattro riviste differenti tra novembre 2011 e giugno 2015 e i capitoli della serie sono stati raccolti in sei volumi tankōbon. (it)
- Himegoto (es)
- Himegoto (en)
- Himegoto (in)
- Himegoto (it)
- ひめゴト (ja)
- 偽姬物語 (zh)
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