- Inspekce nemovitostí je odborné prověření staršího domu, bytu či novostavby, které posuzuje skutečný technický stav objektu a jeho hodnotu. Spolu s právním prověřením jsou základními službami, které se provádějí při nákupu jakékoli nemovitosti, a to obvykle na náklady kupujícího. Služba je nabízena kupujícím, prodávajícím i realitním makléřům, aby snížila rizika, napomohla dosažení férové ceny a celkově usnadnila uzavření obchodu. Na severoamerickém kontinentu či ve Velké Británii je tato služba při koupi bytu nebo domu běžná. Odborně prověřena je naprostá většina nemovitostí na realitním trhu.[zdroj?] (cs)
- A home inspection is a limited, non-invasive examination of the condition of a home, often in connection with the sale of that home. Home inspections are usually conducted by a home inspector who has the training and certifications to perform such inspections. The inspector prepares and delivers to the client a written report of findings. The client then uses the knowledge gained to make informed decisions about their pending real estate purchase. The home inspector describes the condition of the home at the time of inspection but does not guarantee future condition, efficiency, or life expectancy of systems or components. Sometimes confused with a real estate appraiser, a home inspector determines the condition of a structure, whereas an appraiser determines the value of a property. In the United States, although not all states or municipalities regulate home inspectors, there are various professional associations for home inspectors that provide education, training, and networking opportunities. A professional home inspection is an examination of the current condition of a house. It is not an inspection to verify compliance with appropriate codes; building inspection is a term often used for building code compliance inspections in the United States. A similar but more complicated inspection of commercial buildings is a property condition assessment. Home inspections identify problems but building diagnostics identifies solutions to the found problems and their predicted outcomes. A property inspection is a detailed visual documentation of a property's structures, design, and fixtures. Property Inspection provides a buyer, renter, or other information consumer with valuable insight into the property's conditions prior to purchase. House-hunting can be a difficult task especially when you can't seem to find one that you like. The best way to get things done is to ensure that there is a property inspection before buying a property. (en)
- ホームインスペクション(英: Home inspection)とは、新築や中古(既存)の住宅の施工や劣化などの状態を客観的に診断するために、ホームインスペクター(住宅診断士)など第三者の住宅建築の専門家が行う調査のこと。住宅診断と訳される。 1970年代にアメリカで生まれ、日本では2000年代になって導入された。 (ja)
- ホームインスペクション(英: Home inspection)とは、新築や中古(既存)の住宅の施工や劣化などの状態を客観的に診断するために、ホームインスペクター(住宅診断士)など第三者の住宅建築の専門家が行う調査のこと。住宅診断と訳される。 1970年代にアメリカで生まれ、日本では2000年代になって導入された。 (ja)
- Inspekce nemovitostí je odborné prověření staršího domu, bytu či novostavby, které posuzuje skutečný technický stav objektu a jeho hodnotu. Spolu s právním prověřením jsou základními službami, které se provádějí při nákupu jakékoli nemovitosti, a to obvykle na náklady kupujícího. Služba je nabízena kupujícím, prodávajícím i realitním makléřům, aby snížila rizika, napomohla dosažení férové ceny a celkově usnadnila uzavření obchodu. (cs)
- A home inspection is a limited, non-invasive examination of the condition of a home, often in connection with the sale of that home. Home inspections are usually conducted by a home inspector who has the training and certifications to perform such inspections. The inspector prepares and delivers to the client a written report of findings. The client then uses the knowledge gained to make informed decisions about their pending real estate purchase. The home inspector describes the condition of the home at the time of inspection but does not guarantee future condition, efficiency, or life expectancy of systems or components. (en)