- Die International Cycling History Conference (ICHC) ist eine jährliche Konferenz zur Erforschung der Geschichte des Fahrrads und des Fahrradfahrens.Die ICHC ist ein lockerer Verband von Fahrrad-Historikern aus aller Welt. Zum ersten Mal tagte sie auf Initiative britischer Historiker 1990 in Glasgow, seitdem jährlich an wechselnden Orten rund um die Welt. Die Konferenzberichte „Cycle History“ bilden eine breite Basis der aktuellen Forschungsgeschichte rund um das Fahrrad. Liste der Konferenzen:
* 1990 Glasgow, Großbritannien
* 1991 Saint-Étienne, Frankreich
* 1992 Neckarsulm, Deutschland
* 1993 Boston, USA
* 1994 Cambridge, Großbritannien
* 1995 Stellenbosch, Südafrika
* 1996 Buffalo, USA
* 1997 Glasgow, Großbritannien
* 1998 Ottawa, Kanada
* 1999 Nijmegen, Niederlande
* 2000 Osaka, Japan
* 2001 San Remo, Italien
* 2002 Münster, Deutschland
* 2003 Canberra, Australien
* 2004 Wien, Österreich
* 2005 Davis, USA
* 2006 Toronto, Kanada
* 2007 Tampere, Finnland
* 2008 Saint-Étienne, Frankreich
* 2009 Freehold, USA
* 2010 Prag, Tschechische Republik
* 2011 Paris, Frankreich
* 2012 Roeselare, Belgien
* 2013 Lissabon, Portugal
* 2014 Baltimore, USA
* 2015 Entraigues-sur-la-Sorgue, Frankreich
* 2016 New Haven/Ansonia, USA
* 2017 Mannheim, Deutschland
* 2018 London, Großbritannien
* 2019 Znojmo, Tschechien
* 2020 wegen COVID-19-Pandemie abgesagt
* 2021 wegen COVID-19-Pandemie abgesagt
* 2022 Indianapolis, Vereinigte Staaten (de)
- The International Cycling History Conference (ICHC) is an annual event devoted to applying academic rigor to the history of bicycles and cycling. The first conference was held in Glasgow, Scotland in 1990. The proceedings of each conference are published afterwards. Past conferences have been held around the world: Notable presenters include:
* Berto, Frank, author of The Dancing Chain and The Birth of Dirt, both published by Cycle Publishing/Van der Plas Publications
* Breeze, Joe, mountain bike pioneer and Mountain Bike Hall of Fame inductee
* Herlihy, David V., author of Bicycle: the History, published by Yale University Press
* Norcliffe, Glen, author of The Ride to Modernity: The Bicycle in Canada, published by University of Toronto Press
* Ritchie, Andrew, author of Major Taylor: The Fastest Bicycle Rider in the World and Quest for Speed: A History of Early Bicycle Racing 1868–1903, both published by Van der Plas Publications (not the inventor of the Brompton Bicycle)
* Wilson, David Gordon, author of Bicycling Science, published by The MIT Press (en)
- La Conferenza internazionale sulla storia del ciclismo (International Cycling History Conference o, abbreviato, ICHC) è un evento annuale che applica rigore accademico alla storia della bicicletta e del ciclismo. La prima conferenza si è tenuta a Glasgow, Regno Unito, nel 1990. I testi di ogni conferenza sono stati pubblicati successivamente. 2012 Roeselare, Belgio2010 a Praga, Repubblica Ceca Le passate conferenze si sono tenute in tutto il mondo:
* 2021 - Gent, Belgio
* 2019 - Znojmo, Repubblica Ceca
* 2018 - Londra, Regno Unito
* 2017 - Mannheim, Germania
* 2016 - New Haven/Ansonia, USA
* 2015 - Entraigues-sur-la-Sorgue, Francia
* 2014 - Baltimora, USA
* 2013 - Lisbona, Portogallo
* 2012 - Roeselare, Belgio
* 2011 - Parigi, Francia
* 2010 - Praga, Repubblica Ceca
* 2009 - Freehold, USA
* 2008 - Saint-Étienne, Francia
* 2007 - Tampere, Finlandia
* 2006 - Toronto, Canada
* 2005 - Davis, USA
* 2004 - Vienna, Austria
* 2003 - Canberra, Australia
* 2002 - Münster, Germania
* 2001 - Pigna, Italia
* 2000 - Osaka, Giappone
* 1999 - Nimega, Paesi Bassi
* 1998 - Ottawa, Canada
* 1997 - Glasgow, Regno Unito
* 1996 - Buffalo, USA
* 1995 - Johannesburg, Sudafrica
* 1994 - Cambridge, Regno Unito
* 1993 - Boston, USA
* 1992 - Neckarsulm, Germania
* 1991 - Saint-Étienne, Francia
* 1990 - Glasgow, Regno Unito Alcuni presentatori illustri:
* Berto, Frank, autore di The Dancing Chain, pubblicato da Van der Plas Publications
* Breeze, Joe, pioniere della mountain bike e ammesso alla Mountain Bike Hall of Fame
* Herlihy, David V., autore di Bicycle: the History, pubblicato da Yale University Press
* Norcliffe, Glen, autore di The Ride to Modernity: The Bicycle in Canada, pubblicato da University of Toronto Press
* Ritchie, Andrew, autore di Major Taylor: The Fastest Bicycle Rider in the World e Quest for Speed: A History of Early Bicycle Racing 1868–1903, entrambi pubblicati da Van der Plas Publications (non l'inventore della bicicletta Brompton)
* Wilson, David Gordon, autore di Bicycling Science, pubblicato da The MIT Press (it)