- James White is a 2015 American drama film written and directed by Josh Mond. The film stars Christopher Abbott, Cynthia Nixon, Scott Mescudi, Ron Livingston, Makenzie Leigh and David Call. James, a twenty-something New Yorker, struggles to take control of his self-destructive behavior in the face of momentous family challenges. James White premiered at the 2015 Sundance Film Festival where it won the NEXT Audience Award. The film received a limited release on November 13, 2015, by The Film Arcade. (en)
- James White est un film dramatique américain écrit et réalisé par , sorti en 2015. Il a reçu le prix du public au Festival du film de Sundance, et a été en compétition pour le Léopard d'or du Festival international du film de Locarno, et le Prix Révélation Kiehl's au 41e Festival du film américain de Deauville. (fr)
- James White è un film del 2015 scritto e diretto da . Il film è interpretato da Christopher Abbott, Cynthia Nixon, Scott Mescudi e Ron Livingston. Si tratta dell'esordio alla regia di Mond, su una sua sceneggiatura semi-autobiografica. (it)
- James White is a 2015 American drama film written and directed by Josh Mond. The film stars Christopher Abbott, Cynthia Nixon, Scott Mescudi, Ron Livingston, Makenzie Leigh and David Call. James, a twenty-something New Yorker, struggles to take control of his self-destructive behavior in the face of momentous family challenges. James White premiered at the 2015 Sundance Film Festival where it won the NEXT Audience Award. The film received a limited release on November 13, 2015, by The Film Arcade. (en)
- James White est un film dramatique américain écrit et réalisé par , sorti en 2015. Il a reçu le prix du public au Festival du film de Sundance, et a été en compétition pour le Léopard d'or du Festival international du film de Locarno, et le Prix Révélation Kiehl's au 41e Festival du film américain de Deauville. (fr)
- James White è un film del 2015 scritto e diretto da . Il film è interpretato da Christopher Abbott, Cynthia Nixon, Scott Mescudi e Ron Livingston. Si tratta dell'esordio alla regia di Mond, su una sua sceneggiatura semi-autobiografica. (it)