Land of Hope and Glory is a 1927 British silent drama film directed by Harley Knoles and starring Ellaline Terriss, Lyn Harding and Robin Irvine. It was inspired by Edward Elgar's 1902 song Land of Hope and Glory.
Land of Hope and Glory is a 1927 British silent drama film directed by Harley Knoles and starring Ellaline Terriss, Lyn Harding and Robin Irvine. It was inspired by Edward Elgar's 1902 song Land of Hope and Glory. (en)
Land of Hope and Glory is a 1927 British silent drama film directed by Harley Knoles and starring Ellaline Terriss, Lyn Harding and Robin Irvine. It was inspired by Edward Elgar's 1902 song Land of Hope and Glory. (en)