- The Lutheran Evangelical Church in Italy (Italian: Chiesa Evangelica Luterana in Italia, German: Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Italien, abbreviated CELI or ELKI) is a Protestant denomination in the Lutheran tradition in Italy. Founded in 1949, the CELI/ELKI, which includes both German- and Italian-speaking communities, is a member of the Federation of Evangelical Churches in Italy (FCEI) and of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF). The first Lutheran community in Italy was formed in Venice in 1650. Within the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, Lutheran churches were formed in Trieste (1778), Merano (1861) and Bolzano (1889). Under Prussian influence, communities were formed in Rome (1819), Naples (1826) and Florence (1899). Finally, German-speaking citizens established churches in Milan (1850), Sanremo (1870) and Genoa (1896). Lutheranism flourished in Naples and Torre Annunziata thanks to the missionary work of pastor Idelmo Poggioli. All the aforementioned communities were gathered in the CELI/EKLI since 1949. Other churches were formed, notably in Catania (1991), Verona (2008) and Turin (2009), under the supervision of CELI/ELKI, which was a founding member of the FCEI in 1967. The denomination includes 15 communities, some of which covering entire regions, and about 7,000 baptized members. The CELI/ELKI allows the ordination of women and the blessing of same-sex unions, in line with other FCEI denominations. (en)
- Die Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Italien (kurz ELKI), italienisch Chiesa Evangelica Luterana in Italia (CELI), ist ein Zusammenschluss 15 evangelisch-lutherischer Gemeinden in Italien. (de)
- Kościół Ewangelicko-Luterański we Włoszech (wł. Chiesa Evangelica Luterana in Italia) – luterański związek wyznaniowy istniejący we Włoszech. W jego skład wchodzi 15 zborów, do których w 2019 należało 7000 wiernych. Siedziba kościoła położona jest w Rzymie. (pl)
- A Igreja Evangélica Luterana na Itália (em italiano: Chiesa Evangelica Luterana in Italia — CELI) é uma igreja luterana na Itália fundada em 1949. A CELI, que inclui tanto comunidades germanófonas quanto italianófonas, é membro da (FCEI) e da Federação Mundial Luterana (LWF). A primeira comunidade luterana da Itália foi formada em Veneza em 1650. No território do Império Austro-Húngaro, igrejas luteranas foram fundadas em Trieste (1778), Merano (1861) e Bolzano (1889). Por influência prussiana, comunidades também se formaram em Roma (1819), Nápoles (1826) e Florença (1899), enquanto outros cidadãos germanófonos fundaram outras igrejas em Milão (1850), Sanremo (1870) e Gênova (1896). O luteranismo floresceu em Nápoles e Torre Annunziata graças às obras missionárias do pastor . Todas estas comunidades se juntaram para formara a CELI em 1949 ou nos anos seguintes. Em 1967, a CELI foi um dos membros fundadores da FCEI. Já sob a coordenação da CELI, outras igrejas luteranas foram fundadas, notavelmente em Catânia (1991), Verona (2008) e Turim (2009). Em 2015, a CELI atualmente consistia de 17 comunidades, algumas das quais cobrindo regiões da Itália inteiras e mais de 7 000 membros batizados. A ordenação feminina e os casamentos de mesmo sexo são permitidos pela CELI. (pt)
- Евангелическо-лютеранская церковь Италии (итал. Chiesa Evangelica Luterana in Italia / нем. Evangelisch Lutherische Kirche) (CELI) — одна из основных протестантских деноминаций Италии. Прихожанами данной деноминации являются преимущественно лица немецкого происхождения, поэтому официальными языками Церкви являются итальянский и немецкий. В данную деноминацию входят и лютеранские и реформатские приходы. (ru)
- Die Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Italien (kurz ELKI), italienisch Chiesa Evangelica Luterana in Italia (CELI), ist ein Zusammenschluss 15 evangelisch-lutherischer Gemeinden in Italien. (de)
- Kościół Ewangelicko-Luterański we Włoszech (wł. Chiesa Evangelica Luterana in Italia) – luterański związek wyznaniowy istniejący we Włoszech. W jego skład wchodzi 15 zborów, do których w 2019 należało 7000 wiernych. Siedziba kościoła położona jest w Rzymie. (pl)
- Евангелическо-лютеранская церковь Италии (итал. Chiesa Evangelica Luterana in Italia / нем. Evangelisch Lutherische Kirche) (CELI) — одна из основных протестантских деноминаций Италии. Прихожанами данной деноминации являются преимущественно лица немецкого происхождения, поэтому официальными языками Церкви являются итальянский и немецкий. В данную деноминацию входят и лютеранские и реформатские приходы. (ru)
- The Lutheran Evangelical Church in Italy (Italian: Chiesa Evangelica Luterana in Italia, German: Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Italien, abbreviated CELI or ELKI) is a Protestant denomination in the Lutheran tradition in Italy. Founded in 1949, the CELI/ELKI, which includes both German- and Italian-speaking communities, is a member of the Federation of Evangelical Churches in Italy (FCEI) and of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF). The denomination includes 15 communities, some of which covering entire regions, and about 7,000 baptized members. (en)
- A Igreja Evangélica Luterana na Itália (em italiano: Chiesa Evangelica Luterana in Italia — CELI) é uma igreja luterana na Itália fundada em 1949. A CELI, que inclui tanto comunidades germanófonas quanto italianófonas, é membro da (FCEI) e da Federação Mundial Luterana (LWF). Em 2015, a CELI atualmente consistia de 17 comunidades, algumas das quais cobrindo regiões da Itália inteiras e mais de 7 000 membros batizados. A ordenação feminina e os casamentos de mesmo sexo são permitidos pela CELI. (pt)