Mudhugauv (transl. Kiss) is a 2016 Malayalam caper-comedy film written and directed by Vipin Das in his directional debut. It is produced by Vijay Babu and Sandra Thomas under the banner, Friday Film House. It marks the acting debut of Gokul Suresh, son of Malayalam actor Suresh Gopi, and Arthana, daughter of Malayalam actor Vijayakumar. It also stars Vijay Babu, Baiju, Indrans, Soubin Shahir, Hareesh Perumanna & Disney James along with Prem Kumar, Abu Salim, Sunil Sukhada, Anil Murali, Sharu & Anand in supporting roles. The film's title is derived from the popular catchphrase from the 1994 cult classic Thenmavin Kombath. The original score and songs are composed, arranged and produced by Rahul Raj.