Neela Aakash (transl. Blue sky) is a 1965 Indian Hindi-language film directed by Rajendra Bhatia. The film stars Dharmendra, Mala Sinha, Shashikala, Mehmood and Raj Mehra. The film's music is by Madan Mohan.
Neela Aakash (transl. Blue sky) is a 1965 Indian Hindi-language film directed by Rajendra Bhatia. The film stars Dharmendra, Mala Sinha, Shashikala, Mehmood and Raj Mehra. The film's music is by Madan Mohan. (en)
Neela Aakash (transl. Blue sky) is a 1965 Indian Hindi-language film directed by Rajendra Bhatia. The film stars Dharmendra, Mala Sinha, Shashikala, Mehmood and Raj Mehra. The film's music is by Madan Mohan. (en)