Paul and Michelle is a 1974 drama film directed and produced by Lewis Gilbert, whose story Vernon Harris and Angela Huth dramatized. It is a sequel to the 1971 film Friends, by the same director and with the same lead actors.
Paul et Michelle est un film franco-britannique réalisé par Lewis Gilbert, sorti en 1974. Il s'agit de la suite du film Deux enfants qui s'aiment (Friends). (fr)
Paul and Michelle is a 1974 drama film directed and produced by Lewis Gilbert, whose story Vernon Harris and Angela Huth dramatized. It is a sequel to the 1971 film Friends, by the same director and with the same lead actors. (en)
Paul et Michelle est un film franco-britannique réalisé par Lewis Gilbert, sorti en 1974. Il s'agit de la suite du film Deux enfants qui s'aiment (Friends). (fr)
Paul and Michelle is a 1974 drama film directed and produced by Lewis Gilbert, whose story Vernon Harris and Angela Huth dramatized. It is a sequel to the 1971 film Friends, by the same director and with the same lead actors. (en)