- Der Phelps and Gorham Purchase war der Kauf von Bezugsrechten auf etwa 6.000.000 Acres (24.000 km²) Land im Westen des Staates New York. Der Kaufpreis betrug 1 Million US-Dollar, was einem heutigen (2005) Wert von circa 20 Milliarden Dollar, gemessen an der Kaufkraft, entspricht. Das Gebiet im Westen von New York umfasste das ganze Land westlich des Seneca Lake zwischen Lake Ontario und der Grenze von Pennsylvania. Die Käufer waren Oliver Phelps und Nathaniel Gorham, beide aus Massachusetts, und der Verkäufer war das Commonwealth of Massachusetts. (In einige Erörterungen dieses Gegenstandes bezieht sich der Phelps and Gorham Purchase auf die ganzen 6.000.000 Acres (24.000 km²) und in anderen auf nur 2.250.000 Acres (9.100 km²). Dies ergibt sich, weil obwohl Phelps und Gorham die Bezugsrechte auf die ganzen 6.000.000 Acres (24.000 km²) kauften, waren sie nur imstande für das Gebiet östlich des Genesee Rivers die Indianeransprüche zu löschen und so saubere Ansprüche zu erhalten.) (de)
- The Phelps and Gorham Purchase was the purchase in 1788 of 6,000,000 acres (24,000 km2) of land in what is now western New York State from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for $1,000,000 (£300,000), to be paid in three annual installments, and the pre-emptive right to the title on the land from the Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy for $5000 (£12,500). A syndicate formed by Oliver Phelps and Nathaniel Gorham bought preemptive rights to the 9,600-square-mile (25,000 km2) parcel - larger than six present U.S. states: Vermont, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware, and Rhode Island - in New York, west of Seneca Lake between Lake Ontario and the Pennsylvania border, from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Phelps and Gorham then negotiated with the Seneca nation and other Iroquois tribes to obtain clear title for the entire parcel. They acquired title to only about 2,000,000 acres (8,100 km2) east of the Genesee River plus the 12 miles (19 km) by 24 miles (39 km) Mill Yard Tract along the river's northwestern bank. Within a year, monetary values rose and, in combination with poor sales, the syndicate was unable to make the second of three payments for the land west of the Genesee River, forcing them to default on exercising the remainder of the purchase agreement. They were also forced to sell at a discount much of the land they had already bought title to but had not yet re-sold; it was purchased by Robert Morris of Philadelphia, financier, U.S. Founding Father, and Senator. In some sources, the Phelps and Gorham Purchase refers only to the 2,250,000 acres (9,100 km2) on which Phelps and Gorham were able to extinguish the Iroquois' aboriginal title. (en)
- Der Phelps and Gorham Purchase war der Kauf von Bezugsrechten auf etwa 6.000.000 Acres (24.000 km²) Land im Westen des Staates New York. Der Kaufpreis betrug 1 Million US-Dollar, was einem heutigen (2005) Wert von circa 20 Milliarden Dollar, gemessen an der Kaufkraft, entspricht. Das Gebiet im Westen von New York umfasste das ganze Land westlich des Seneca Lake zwischen Lake Ontario und der Grenze von Pennsylvania. Die Käufer waren Oliver Phelps und Nathaniel Gorham, beide aus Massachusetts, und der Verkäufer war das Commonwealth of Massachusetts. (In einige Erörterungen dieses Gegenstandes bezieht sich der Phelps and Gorham Purchase auf die ganzen 6.000.000 Acres (24.000 km²) und in anderen auf nur 2.250.000 Acres (9.100 km²). Dies ergibt sich, weil obwohl Phelps und Gorham die Bezugsrech (de)
- The Phelps and Gorham Purchase was the purchase in 1788 of 6,000,000 acres (24,000 km2) of land in what is now western New York State from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for $1,000,000 (£300,000), to be paid in three annual installments, and the pre-emptive right to the title on the land from the Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy for $5000 (£12,500). A syndicate formed by Oliver Phelps and Nathaniel Gorham bought preemptive rights to the 9,600-square-mile (25,000 km2) parcel - larger than six present U.S. states: Vermont, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware, and Rhode Island - in New York, west of Seneca Lake between Lake Ontario and the Pennsylvania border, from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. (en)