Princess Clementina is a 1911 British silent historical adventure film, directed and produced by William G.B. Barker. This film was based on a stage adaptation of the book Clementina by A.E.W. Mason.
Princess Clementina is a 1911 British silent historical adventure film, directed and produced by William G.B. Barker. This film was based on a stage adaptation of the book Clementina by A.E.W. Mason. (en)
«Princess Clementina» — британский короткометражный приключенческий фильм Уилльяма Баркера. (ru)
Princess Clementina is a 1911 British silent historical adventure film, directed and produced by William G.B. Barker. This film was based on a stage adaptation of the book Clementina by A.E.W. Mason. (en)
«Princess Clementina» — британский короткометражный приключенческий фильм Уилльяма Баркера. (ru)