Romeo "Romy" Queddeng Pastrana (born October 5, 1958), professionally known as Dagul, is a Filipino actor, comedian, and politician best known for being a host of the children's sketch program Goin' Bulilit. He has dwarfism.
Romeo "Romy" Queddeng Pastrana (born October 5, 1958), professionally known as Dagul, is a Filipino actor, comedian, and politician best known for being a host of the children's sketch program Goin' Bulilit. He has dwarfism. (en)
Romeo "Romy" Queddeng Pastrana (born October 5, 1958), professionally known as Dagul, is a Filipino actor, comedian, and politician best known for being a host of the children's sketch program Goin' Bulilit. He has dwarfism. (en)