"Secretly" is a popular song. It was written by Al Hoffman, Dick Manning, Mark Markwell, and Hugo Peretti and Luigi Creatore and published in 1958.The best-known recording of the song was done by Jimmie Rodgers, which was a gold record.
"Secretly" is a popular song. It was written by Al Hoffman, Dick Manning, Mark Markwell, and Hugo Peretti and Luigi Creatore and published in 1958.The best-known recording of the song was done by Jimmie Rodgers, which was a gold record. (en)
"Secretly" is a popular song. It was written by Al Hoffman, Dick Manning, Mark Markwell, and Hugo Peretti and Luigi Creatore and published in 1958.The best-known recording of the song was done by Jimmie Rodgers, which was a gold record. (en)