- Le cordon d'argent, aussi appelé corde astrale ou corde d'argent, est, selon les occultistes, un lien subtil qui rattacherait le corps physique à un corps invisible (appelé « corps éthérique » ou parfois « corps astral »), semblablement au cordon ombilical rattachant le fœtus au placenta. Le cordon en lui-même serait invisible, sauf à des médiums ou des voyants. Ce serait, selon ces derniers, en raison de sa nature luminescente, voire fluorescente électrique, qu'on lui attribuerait une couleur argentée. Cette notion n'est actuellement pas reconnue par les sciences rationnelles, et semble donc plutôt relié au vécu subjectif, néanmoins cohérent et concordant, de différentes personnes. (fr)
- The silver cord in metaphysical studies and literature, also known as the sutratma or life thread of the antahkarana, refers to a life-giving linkage from the higher self (atma) down to the physical body. It also refers to an extended synthesis of this thread and a second (the consciousness thread, passing from the soul to the physical body) that connects the physical body to the etheric body, onwards to the astral body and finally to the mental body. In other research, it is described as a strong, silver-colored, elastic cord which joins a person's physical body to its astral body (a manifestation of the physical body that is less distinct). Alfred Ballabene, an astral projector, reported observing that during his out-of-body experiences "glue-like strings" appear as the astral body tries to separate itself from the physical body. As the astral body moves further away from the tangible body, some of the strings break apart and clump into a specific and smaller region – preferably the head, breast, back, stomach, and the abdomen area – thus forming the silver cord. (en)
- O cordão de prata é um termo da metafísica, também conhecido por ou cordão da vida da , que se refere a conexão vital da consciência com o corpo físico.Na verdade ele tem cor de pele. (pt)
- O cordão de prata é um termo da metafísica, também conhecido por ou cordão da vida da , que se refere a conexão vital da consciência com o corpo físico.Na verdade ele tem cor de pele. (pt)
- Le cordon d'argent, aussi appelé corde astrale ou corde d'argent, est, selon les occultistes, un lien subtil qui rattacherait le corps physique à un corps invisible (appelé « corps éthérique » ou parfois « corps astral »), semblablement au cordon ombilical rattachant le fœtus au placenta. Le cordon en lui-même serait invisible, sauf à des médiums ou des voyants. Ce serait, selon ces derniers, en raison de sa nature luminescente, voire fluorescente électrique, qu'on lui attribuerait une couleur argentée. (fr)
- The silver cord in metaphysical studies and literature, also known as the sutratma or life thread of the antahkarana, refers to a life-giving linkage from the higher self (atma) down to the physical body. It also refers to an extended synthesis of this thread and a second (the consciousness thread, passing from the soul to the physical body) that connects the physical body to the etheric body, onwards to the astral body and finally to the mental body. (en)