- The seventh season of Chinese television series Singer (Chinese: 歌手; previously titled I Am a Singer) was broadcast on Hunan Television between January and April 2019. Singer 2019 was produced by Hong Tao, and its music director was Hong Kong senior musician Kubert Leung. The first episode was recorded on January 4, 2019, and first premiered in Mango TV on January 11, 2019. YouTube also broadcast the episodes with the results replaced by commercial snippets. The season ended on April 12, 2019, and Chinese singer Liu Huan named as the winner. Liu was the first mainland Chinese singer to win since Han Hong in season three, as well as the first male winner since Han Lei in season two. Taiwanese Sodagreen lead singer Wu Qing-feng and Chinese four-member band Super-Vocal (Frank Ju, Ayanga, Cai Chengyu, and ex-member Zheng Yunlong) finished runner-up and third place, respectively. For the first time, the top four singers were all male. This is also the first season since the inaugural season the season ended without the biennial concert held after the final. (en)
- 《歌手》2019,是中国大陆湖南卫视于2019年第一季度播出的週五后晚间档音乐类实境秀节目,也是2019湖南卫视节目巡礼重点推介的一档节目,接档节目《亲爱的·客栈第二季》。节目依旧由《我是歌手》及《歌手》系列节目制作人洪涛打造,音乐总监为香港资深音乐人梁翘柏,首期节目于2019年1月4日在湖南长沙HBS广电中心录制,并于2019年1月11日首播。 《歌手2019》加盟歌手依旧汇聚了大中华地区以及其他地区的知名歌手,首发歌手包括刘欢、齐豫、杨坤、吴青峰、逃跑计划、张芯和克里斯;补位歌手包括波琳娜、杨乃文和龚琳娜;踢馆歌手包括ANU、聲入人心男團、许靖韵和陈楚生,加盟《歌手2019》的歌手共14位。另有未获得正式踢馆资格的踢馆候选人刘宇宁、钱正昊和毕书尽。本季赛制中,除全新的踢馆机制和投票规则外,其他皆与2018赛季相同。 2019年4月12日晚,历时三个多月的《歌手2019》落下帷幕。最终刘欢战胜其他参赛歌手,荣膺《歌手2019》歌王,吴青峰获亚军,声入人心男团获季军。 (zh)