- Hill Country (česky Kopcovitá krajina) je hovorový termín, který se používá k označení regionu v Centrálním Texasu. Jeho charakteristikou je vysoká kopcovitá krajina, která se skládá z tenké vrstvy půdy na povrchu a z vápence, nebo žuly. K regionu patří rovněž Llano Uplift a druhý největší granitní osamělý vrchol ve Spojených státech, Enchanted Rock, který se nachází 29 km severně od Fredericksburgu. Hill Country hraničí s dvěma nejvýznamnějšími aglomeracemi centrálního Texasu, se San Antoniem a Houstnem. Region je geograficky východní částí Edwards Plateau a nejvýchodnějším regionem Amerického jihozápadu. Je obklopen Balcones Fault na východě a Llano Uplift na západě a severu. Terén je charakterizován velkým množstvím vápencových nebo granitních skal a balvanů a tenkou vrstvou půdy, která dělá region velmi suchým a náchylným na časté zavlažování. Texas Hill Country je též domovem několika přirozených jihozápadních druhů vegetace, například různé yucca, opuncie, a suchého jihozápadního stromu, známého pod jménem Texas live oak (Texaský živý dub). Několik měst bylo založeno na úpatí , včetně Austinu, , a New Braunfels. (cs)
- Texas Hill Country (le « pays des collines ») est une région du centre du Texas aux États-Unis qui s'étend entre les métropoles d'Austin et de San Antonio. La région, qui s'étend sur 25 comtés, est bordée par la faille de Balcones à l'est et au nord, par le Plateau d'Edwards à l'ouest et par le au nord. Les collines de calcaire dominent le paysage de la région, sauf dans le secteur du et de l'affleurement granitique d'Enchanted Rock au nord-ouest de la ville de Fredericksburg. De nombreuses grottes, caractéristiques du relief karstique, sont présentes comme les et les . Le sous-sol contient plusieurs aquifères qui fournissent de l'eau potable aux habitants de la région. Plusieurs affluents de la Colorado traversent le Texas Hill Country, alors que plusieurs cours d'eau y prennent leur source (Guadalupe, San Antonio, Frio, Medina, et Nueces). La région possède un climat de transition entre les régions humides du sud et les régions semi-arides situées à l'ouest et au nord du Texas. La végétation se compose de forêts claires de chênes, de prairies et de bosquets de genévriers. (fr)
- The Texas Hill Country is a geographic region of Central and South Texas, forming the southeast part of the Edwards Plateau. Given its location, climate, terrain, and vegetation, the Hill Country can be considered the border between the American Southeast and Southwest. The region represents the very remote rural countryside of Central Texas, but also is home to growing suburban neighborhoods and affluent retirement communities. The region is notable for its karst topography and tall rugged hills of limestone or granite. Many of the hills rise to a height of 400–500 ft (120–150 m) above the surrounding plains and valleys, with Packsaddle Mountain rising to a height of 800 ft (240 m) above the Llano River in Kingsland. The Hill Country also includes the Llano Uplift and the second-largest granite dome in the United States, Enchanted Rock. The terrain throughout the region is characterized by a thin layer of topsoil and many exposed rocks and boulders, making the region very dry and prone to flash flooding. Native vegetation in the region includes various yucca, prickly pear cactus, desert spoon, and wildflowers in the Llano Uplift. The predominant trees in the region are Ashe juniper and Texas live oak. Bound on the east by the Balcones Escarpment, the Hill Country reaches into the far northern portions of San Antonio and the western portions of Travis County including the cities of Austin and Lago Vista. As a result of springs discharging water stored in the Edwards Aquifer, several cities such as Austin, San Marcos, and New Braunfels were settled at the base of the Balcones Escarpment. As of 2016, the region's economy was one of the fastest growing in the United States. (en)
- テキサス・ヒル・カントリー(Texas Hill Country)とは、アメリカ合衆国テキサス州中央部に広がる丘陵地帯のことである。州都オースティンの西郊、州第2の都市サンアントニオの北郊から北西郊にかけて広がっている。この地域の土壌は概ね石灰岩性で表層土が薄い。そのためこの地域では鉄砲水が発生しやすい。カルスト性の地形であるため、この地域にはいくつかの鍾乳洞も見られる。この地域の鍾乳洞群の中でも規模の大きい部類に入るものは帯水層を形成し、地域住民の飲料水源となっている。テキサス・ヒル・カントリーの大部分は、オースティンのダウンタウンを流れるコロラド川の流域に含まれている。 丘陵地帯の東端にはオースティンやサンアントニオをはじめ、サンマルコスやニューブローンフェルズなどいくつかの都市が発達している。これらの都市はかつては、川を遡って船でたどり着ける最上流の地であったため、ピードモント台地東縁の滝線都市群と同じような形で都市が形成され、発展していった。現在では、これらの都市は州間高速道路I-35で結ばれ、オースティン都市圏やサンアントニオ都市圏の郊外都市になっている。また、サンアントニオからは北西に州間高速道路I-10が走り、テキサス・ヒル・カントリーを貫いて、サンアントニオの中心部から約100kmに位置するなどを通る。カービルの北には、歴史的な街並みを残すフレデリックスバーグの町が位置している。 テキサス・ヒル・カントリーは第36代大統領リンドン・ジョンソンが生まれた地として知られている。地域内のにはジョンソンの所有していた農場が残っている。またテキサス州屈指のワインの産地としても知られ、地域内には葡萄畑やワインの醸造所が多数存在する。2つの大都市の近郊にありながら自然環境に優れ、歴史的な街並みや農村も残り、ワイン醸造所でのテイスティングもできるこの地域は、オースティンやサンアントニオからの日帰りの観光・ドライブルートとして脚光を浴びてきている。 テキサス・ヒル・カントリーは文化の多様性に富んだ地域でもある。この地域では植民地時代にテキサスを領有していたスペインをはじめ、ドイツ、アルザス、スイス、オーストリア、チェコなどからの移民が持ち込んだ文化が融合して食文化、ビール、建築、音楽に影響を及ぼし、南部や南西部の他地域とは異なる「テキサス的」な文化が創り上げられた。例えば、ドイツから持ち込まれたアコーディオンは、土着のメキシコ系テキサス人(テハノ)の音楽に影響を及ぼし、19世紀にはテハノ音楽におけるポピュラーな楽器となった。
* テキサス・ヒル・カントリーの葡萄園
* フレデリックスバーグの街並み
* テキサス最古のダンスホール「グリーン・ホール」 (ja)
- Il Texas Hill Country (il paese delle colline) è una regione del Texas centrale (Stati Uniti) che si snoda tra le città di Austin e San Antonio. La regione, che attraversa 25 contee, è delimitata dalla scarpata di Balcones a est e a nord, dall'Altopiano Edwards a ovest e dal Llano Uplift a nord. Le colline calcaree dominano il paesaggio, ad eccezione della zona della regione prossima al Llano Uplift e dell'affioramento di granito dell'Enchanted Rock a nord-ovest della città di Fredericksburg. Molte grotte carsiche caratterizzano il territorio. Il piano contiene numerose falde acquifere che forniscono acqua potabile ai residenti. Numerosi affluenti del Colorado (come il e ) attraversano il Texas Hill Country, mentre numerosi fiumi prendono qui le loro fonti (Guadalupe, San Antonio, Frio, Medina, e Nueces). La regione ha un clima di transizione tra le regioni umide meridionali del Texas e la regione semi-arida del nord-ovest. La vegetazione è costituita da boschi di querce, prati e boschi di ginepro. (it)
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- 26650 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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- dbr:Carl_Hoppe
- dbr:American_Viticultural_Area
- dbr:Bell_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Gillespie_County,_Texas
- dbr:Quanah_Parker
- dbr:Robert_Stack
- dbr:Sam_Houston
- dbr:San_Antonio
- dbr:San_Antonio_River
- dbr:San_Marcos,_Texas
- dbr:San_Saba,_Texas
- dbr:Menard_County,_Texas
- dbr:Bell_Mountain_AVA
- dbr:Ben_Kweller
- dbr:Blanco,_Texas
- dbr:Dell
- dbr:Demography
- dbr:Dennis_Farina
- dbr:Antebellum_South
- dbr:Aquifer
- dbr:Houston
- dbr:John_O._Meusebach
- dbr:Johnny_Manziel
- dbr:Betty_Holekamp
- dbr:List_of_Farm_to_Market_Roads_in_Texas_(1–99)
- dbr:Pedernales_River
- dbr:Republican_Party_(United_States)
- dbr:Revolutions_of_1848
- dbr:Robert_Earl_Keen
- dbr:Union_(American_Civil_War)
- dbr:United_States
- dbr:United_States_Capitol
- dbr:University_of_Texas
- dbr:Unsolved_Mysteries
- dbr:Uvalde,_Texas
- dbr:Uvalde_County,_Texas
- dbr:Val_Verde_County,_Texas
- dbr:Limestone
- dbr:List_of_geographical_regions_in_Texas
- dbr:Colorado_River_(Texas)
- dbr:Confederate_States_of_America
- dbc:Geography_of_Travis_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Williamson_County,_Texas
- dbr:Mason,_Texas
- dbr:Mason–Dixon_line
- dbr:Matthew_McConaughey
- dbr:Medina_River
- dbc:Geography_of_Bandera_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Bell_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Blanco_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Burnet_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Coryell_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Crockett_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Edwards_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Hays_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Kerr_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Kimble_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Lampasas_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Mason_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Menard_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Real_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_San_Saba_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Schleicher_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Sutton_County,_Texas
- dbr:Quercus_fusiformis
- dbr:Edwards_Aquifer
- dbr:Elisabet_Ney
- dbr:Enchanted_Rock
- dbr:Equal_Rights_Amendment
- dbr:Fredericksburg,_Texas
- dbr:Fredericksburg_in_the_Texas_Hill_Country_AVA
- dbr:Frio_River
- dbr:Garner_State_Park
- dbr:Gerald_Lyda
- dbr:German_American
- dbr:Goldthwaite,_Texas
- dbr:Bracken_Cave
- dbr:Molly_Ivins
- dbr:Mount_Bonnell
- dbr:NBC
- dbr:Coryell_County,_Texas
- dbr:Crockett_County,_Texas
- dbr:The_New_York_Times
- dbr:The_Shining_(film)
- dbr:Progressive_Party_(United_States,_1924)
- dbc:German-American_history
- dbr:Andy_Roddick
- dbr:Ann_Richards
- dbc:Regions_of_Texas
- dbr:Lipan_Apache_people
- dbr:Liz_Carpenter
- dbr:Llano_River
- dbr:Llano_Uplift
- dbr:Longhorn_Cavern_State_Park
- dbr:Lyndon_B._Johnson
- dbc:Geography_of_McCulloch_County,_Texas
- dbr:Smithsonian_American_Art_Museum
- dbr:Stevie_Ray_Vaughan
- dbr:Stonewall,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Kendall_County,_Texas
- dbr:Comal_County,_Texas
- dbr:Comanche
- dbr:Yucca
- dbr:Frank_Van_der_Stucken
- dbr:Fred_Gipson
- dbr:Kerr_County,_Texas
- dbr:Sutton_County,_Texas
- dbr:Max_Hirsch
- dbr:Austin
- dbr:Austin,_Texas
- dbr:Baby_Boomer
- dbr:Balcones_Canyonlands_National_Wildlife_Refuge
- dbr:Bandera,_Texas
- dbr:Adelsverein
- dbc:Texas_Hill_Country
- dbr:Cave_Without_a_Name
- dbr:Caverns_of_Sonora
- dbr:Central_Texas
- dbr:Tommy_Lee_Jones
- dbr:Tour_de_France
- dbr:Travis_County,_Texas
- dbr:Trey_Hardee
- dbr:Dasylirion_wheeleri
- dbr:Willie_Nelson
- dbr:Wimberley,_Texas
- dbr:Drinking_water
- dbr:Hays_County,_Texas
- dbr:Juniperus_ashei
- dbr:Lampasas_County,_Texas
- dbr:Llano_County,_Texas
- dbr:Alfred_P.C._Petsch
- dbr:American_Civil_War
- dbr:Dallas
- dbr:Earthquake
- dbr:First_Lady_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Fort_Worth
- dbr:Balcones_Fault
- dbr:Bandera_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Llano_County,_Texas
- dbr:Nueces_River
- dbr:Pacific_War
- dbr:Packsaddle_Mountain_(Llano_County,_Texas)
- dbr:German_Texan
- dbr:Granite
- dbr:Granite_dome
- dbr:Kendall_County,_Texas
- dbr:Kimble_County,_Texas
- dbr:Charles_Schreiner,_III
- dbr:Real_County,_Texas
- dbr:Guadalupe_River_(Texas)
- dbr:Harvey_Hilderbran
- dbr:Herbert_Hoover
- dbr:Herman_Lehmann
- dbr:Hermann_Lungkwitz
- dbr:Hill_Country_State_Natural_Area
- dbr:Tejano
- dbr:Texas_Hill_Country_AVA
- dbr:Texas_House_of_Representatives
- dbr:Texas_Legislature
- dbr:Texas_Longhorn
- dbr:Texas_Parks_and_Wildlife_Department
- dbr:Texas_Revolution
- dbr:Texas_State_Capitol
- dbr:Texas_State_University
- dbr:Texas_wine
- dbr:Arecaceae
- dbr:Accordion
- dbr:Cherry_Springs_Dance_Hall
- dbr:Chester_W._Nimitz
- dbr:Adrian_Woll
- dbr:Jody_Conradt
- dbr:John_F._Kennedy
- dbr:John_Henry_Faulk
- dbr:Karst_topography
- dbr:Kerrville,_Texas
- dbr:Lady_Bird_Johnson
- dbr:Lady_Bird_Johnson_Wildflower_Center
- dbr:Lago_Vista,_Texas
- dbr:Lance_Armstrong
- dbr:Blanco_County,_Texas
- dbr:Echo_Hill_Ranch
- dbr:Edwards_County,_Texas
- dbr:Edwards_Plateau
- dbr:Tribe_(Native_American)
- dbr:Old_Yeller
- dbr:Williamson_County,_Texas
- dbr:Wonder_Cave_(San_Marcos,_Texas)
- dbr:Marble_Falls,_Texas
- dbr:Buffalo_Hump
- dbr:Burnet_County,_Texas
- dbr:Plano,_Texas
- dbr:Popeye_(film)
- dbr:South_Texas
- dbr:Southeastern_United_States
- dbr:Southern_United_States
- dbr:Southwestern_United_States
- dbr:Spanish_people
- dbr:Guadalupe_County,_Texas
- dbr:Kingsland,_Texas
- dbr:Kinky_Friedman
- dbr:Kiss_Me_(Sixpence_None_the_Richer_song)
- dbr:Michael_Dell
- dbr:National_Museum_of_Racing_and_Hall_of_Fame
- dbr:National_Women's_Political_Caucus
- dbr:Natural_Bridge_Caverns
- dbr:New_Braunfels,_Texas
- dbr:Opuntia
- dbc:Geography_of_Comal_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Val_Verde_County,_Texas
- dbr:Cascade_Caverns
- dbr:Seguin,_Texas
- dbr:World_War_II
- dbr:Mason_County,_Texas
- dbr:McCulloch_County,_Texas
- dbr:Rock_(geology)
- dbr:San_Saba_County,_Texas
- dbr:Santa_Anna_(Comanche_war_chief)
- dbr:Sixpence_None_the_Richer
- dbr:Savage_Sam_(novel)
- dbr:Schleicher_County,_Texas
- dbr:Juan_Seguin
- dbc:Hill_lands
- dbr:Tejano_music
- dbr:Old_Owl
- dbr:Spanish_American
- dbr:Flash_flood
- dbr:Gillespie_County,_Texas
- dbr:Washingtonia_filifera
- dbr:Reconstruction_Era
- dbr:Meusebach-Comanche_Treaty
- dbr:Robert_La_Follette
- dbr:Interstate_10_(Texas)
- dbr:United_States_presidential_election_in_Texas,_1924
- dbr:Spring_(hydrosphere)
- dbr:The_University_of_Texas
- dbr:Hays_County
- dbr:Decathlete
- dbr:Inner_Space_Caverns
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- Map of Texas Hill Country (en)
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- Texas Hill Country (en)
- Hill Country (en)
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- Hill Country State Natural Area in Bandera County (en)
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- dbc:Geography_of_Gillespie_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Travis_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Williamson_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Bandera_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Bell_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Blanco_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Burnet_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Coryell_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Crockett_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Edwards_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Hays_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Kerr_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Kimble_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Lampasas_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Mason_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Menard_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Real_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_San_Saba_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Schleicher_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Sutton_County,_Texas
- dbc:German-American_history
- dbc:Regions_of_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_McCulloch_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Kendall_County,_Texas
- dbc:Texas_Hill_Country
- dbc:Geography_of_Llano_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Comal_County,_Texas
- dbc:Geography_of_Val_Verde_County,_Texas
- dbc:Hill_lands
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- 30.174166666666668 -99.06527777777778
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- Hill Country (česky Kopcovitá krajina) je hovorový termín, který se používá k označení regionu v Centrálním Texasu. Jeho charakteristikou je vysoká kopcovitá krajina, která se skládá z tenké vrstvy půdy na povrchu a z vápence, nebo žuly. K regionu patří rovněž Llano Uplift a druhý největší granitní osamělý vrchol ve Spojených státech, Enchanted Rock, který se nachází 29 km severně od Fredericksburgu. Hill Country hraničí s dvěma nejvýznamnějšími aglomeracemi centrálního Texasu, se San Antoniem a Houstnem. Region je geograficky východní částí Edwards Plateau a nejvýchodnějším regionem Amerického jihozápadu. Je obklopen Balcones Fault na východě a Llano Uplift na západě a severu. Terén je charakterizován velkým množstvím vápencových nebo granitních skal a balvanů a tenkou vrstvou půdy, která (cs)
- Texas Hill Country (le « pays des collines ») est une région du centre du Texas aux États-Unis qui s'étend entre les métropoles d'Austin et de San Antonio. La région, qui s'étend sur 25 comtés, est bordée par la faille de Balcones à l'est et au nord, par le Plateau d'Edwards à l'ouest et par le au nord. Plusieurs affluents de la Colorado traversent le Texas Hill Country, alors que plusieurs cours d'eau y prennent leur source (Guadalupe, San Antonio, Frio, Medina, et Nueces). (fr)
- The Texas Hill Country is a geographic region of Central and South Texas, forming the southeast part of the Edwards Plateau. Given its location, climate, terrain, and vegetation, the Hill Country can be considered the border between the American Southeast and Southwest. The region represents the very remote rural countryside of Central Texas, but also is home to growing suburban neighborhoods and affluent retirement communities. (en)
- Il Texas Hill Country (il paese delle colline) è una regione del Texas centrale (Stati Uniti) che si snoda tra le città di Austin e San Antonio. La regione, che attraversa 25 contee, è delimitata dalla scarpata di Balcones a est e a nord, dall'Altopiano Edwards a ovest e dal Llano Uplift a nord. Numerosi affluenti del Colorado (come il e ) attraversano il Texas Hill Country, mentre numerosi fiumi prendono qui le loro fonti (Guadalupe, San Antonio, Frio, Medina, e Nueces). (it)
- テキサス・ヒル・カントリー(Texas Hill Country)とは、アメリカ合衆国テキサス州中央部に広がる丘陵地帯のことである。州都オースティンの西郊、州第2の都市サンアントニオの北郊から北西郊にかけて広がっている。この地域の土壌は概ね石灰岩性で表層土が薄い。そのためこの地域では鉄砲水が発生しやすい。カルスト性の地形であるため、この地域にはいくつかの鍾乳洞も見られる。この地域の鍾乳洞群の中でも規模の大きい部類に入るものは帯水層を形成し、地域住民の飲料水源となっている。テキサス・ヒル・カントリーの大部分は、オースティンのダウンタウンを流れるコロラド川の流域に含まれている。 テキサス・ヒル・カントリーは第36代大統領リンドン・ジョンソンが生まれた地として知られている。地域内のにはジョンソンの所有していた農場が残っている。またテキサス州屈指のワインの産地としても知られ、地域内には葡萄畑やワインの醸造所が多数存在する。2つの大都市の近郊にありながら自然環境に優れ、歴史的な街並みや農村も残り、ワイン醸造所でのテイスティングもできるこの地域は、オースティンやサンアントニオからの日帰りの観光・ドライブルートとして脚光を浴びてきている。
* テキサス・ヒル・カントリーの葡萄園
* フレデリックスバーグの街並み
* テキサス最古のダンスホール「グリーン・ホール」 (ja)
- Texas Hill Country (en)
- Hill Country (cs)
- Texas Hill Country (fr)
- Texas Hill Country (it)
- テキサス・ヒル・カントリー (ja)
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- POINT(-99.065277099609 30.174165725708)
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is dbo:broadcastArea
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- dbr:Camp_Verde,_Texas
- dbr:Camp_Wood,_Texas
- dbr:Canyon_Dam_(Texas)
- dbr:Canyon_Lake_(Texas)
- dbr:Carter_Blackburn
- dbr:Castell,_Texas
- dbr:American_Nations
- dbr:Preston_Smith_(governor)
- dbr:Robert_William_Wood
- dbr:Round_Rock,_Texas
- dbr:Samuel_Ealy_Johnson_Jr.
- dbr:San_Antonio
- dbr:San_Antonio_Botanical_Garden
- dbr:San_Gabriel_River_(Texas)
- dbr:San_Marcos,_Texas
- dbr:Scouting_in_Texas
- dbr:List_of_former_NBC_television_affiliates
- dbr:National_Historic_Site_(United_States)
- dbr:Northside_Independent_School_District
- dbr:Pat_Rawlings
- dbr:2008_United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Texas
- dbr:Barton_Creek
- dbr:Bexar_County,_Texas
- dbr:Black_Spanish_(grape)
- dbr:Blanco,_Texas
- dbr:Blanco_River_(Texas)
- dbr:Boerne,_Texas
- dbr:Brandon_Jenkins_(musician)
- dbr:Dawn_Buckingham
- dbr:Dawson_Dawson-Watson
- dbr:Del_Rio,_Texas
- dbr:Detroit,_Texas
- dbr:Anolis_carolinensis
- dbr:Architecture_of_Fredericksburg,_Texas
- dbr:Area_code_830
- dbr:Area_codes_210_and_726
- dbr:Hondo_Creek
- dbr:Honey_Creek_State_Natural_Area
- dbr:Betty_Holekamp
- dbr:List_of_Farm_to_Market_Roads_in_Texas_(1000–1099)
- dbr:List_of_Farm_to_Market_Roads_in_Texas_(1200–1299)
- dbr:List_of_Farm_to_Market_Roads_in_Texas_(1300–1399)
- dbr:List_of_Farm_to_Market_Roads_in_Texas_(2000–2099)
- dbr:List_of_Farm_to_Market_Roads_in_Texas_(2100–2199)
- dbr:List_of_Farm_to_Market_Roads_in_Texas_(2300–2399)
- dbr:List_of_Farm_to_Market_Roads_in_Texas_(2800–2899)
- dbr:List_of_Farm_to_Market_Roads_in_Texas_(3200–3299)
- dbr:List_of_Farm_to_Market_Roads_in_Texas_(700–799)
- dbr:List_of_amphibians_of_Texas
- dbr:List_of_mammals_of_Texas
- dbr:List_of_nature_centers_in_Texas
- dbr:Pedernales_Falls_State_Park
- dbr:Pedernales_River
- dbr:Republican_Party_of_Texas
- dbr:Revolutions_of_1848
- dbr:Richard_Coke
- dbr:Culture_of_San_Antonio
- dbr:Cypress_Valley_Canopy_Tours
- dbr:United_States_Courthouse_(Austin,_Texas,_2012)
- dbr:Uvalde,_Texas
- dbr:Vanderpool,_Texas
- dbr:Duopoly_(broadcasting)
- dbr:Index_of_Texas-related_articles
- dbr:Inwood,_San_Antonio
- dbr:J._Roy_White
- dbr:List_of_geographical_regions_in_Texas
- dbr:List_of_karst_areas
- dbr:List_of_mountain_ranges
- dbr:List_of_museums_in_Central_Texas
- dbr:List_of_regions_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Peggy_Moreland
- dbr:Timeline_of_the_American_Old_West
- dbr:Wiener_schnitzel
- dbr:1920_United_States_presidential_election_in_Texas
- dbr:1928_United_States_presidential_election_in_Texas
- dbr:Colorado_Bend_State_Park
- dbr:Colorado_River_(Texas)
- dbr:Comancheria
- dbr:Crabapple,_Texas
- dbr:May_2021_South_Central_United_States_flooding
- dbr:Meadowlakes,_Texas
- dbr:Medina_Dam
- dbr:Medina_Lake
- dbr:Elm_Creek_(Nueces_River_tributary)
- dbr:Geology_of_Texas
- dbr:Texas_German
- dbr:Stonehenge_II
- dbr:Quercus_sinuata
- dbr:1991_in_American_television
- dbr:Cibolo_Creek
- dbr:Clifford_Ross
- dbr:Edward_Degener
- dbr:Edwards_Aquifer
- dbr:Edwin_Walker
- dbr:Enchanted_Rock
- dbr:Frank_N._Ikard
- dbr:Fredericksburg,_Texas
- dbr:Fredericksburg_in_the_Texas_Hill_Country_AVA
- dbr:Friedrich_Wilderness_Park
- dbr:Garner_State_Park
- dbr:Geography_of_Texas
- dbr:George_Strait
- dbr:George_W._Littlefield
- dbr:Georgetown,_Texas
- dbr:Gerald_Lyda
- dbr:German_language_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Geronimo,_Texas
- dbr:Government_Canyon_State_Natural_Area
- dbr:Grapetown,_Texas
- dbr:Greater_Austin
- dbr:Bracken,_Texas
- dbr:Monument_Hill_and_Kreische_Brewery_State_Historic_Sites
- dbr:Mount_Bonnell
- dbr:Criminal_proceedings_in_the_January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack
- dbr:The_Rebel_(American_TV_series)
- dbr:The_Shops_at_La_Cantera
- dbr:The_Texas_Bucket_List
- dbr:The_Trials_of_Darksmoke
- dbr:The_Wizard_of_Stone_Mountain
- dbr:1948_United_States_presidential_election_in_Texas
- dbr:1964_United_States_presidential_election_in_Texas
- dbr:2020_Easter_tornado_outbreak
- dbr:2020_United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Texas
- dbr:Annette_Broadrick
- dbr:Appalachia
- dbr:Ara_Celi
- dbr:Leesville,_Texas
- dbr:Leigh_Nash
- dbr:Lenape
- dbr:Lexington,_Texas
- dbr:Llano_River
- dbr:Llano_Uplift
- dbr:Lost_Maples_State_Natural_Area
- dbr:Loyal_Valley,_Texas
- dbr:Ludwig_Erhard
- dbr:Lyndon_B._Johnson_National_Historical_Park
- dbr:Man_v._Food_(season_1)
- dbr:Body_farm
- dbr:Sisterdale,_Texas
- dbr:Stonewall,_Texas
- dbr:Climate_of_Texas
- dbr:Comal_County,_Texas
- dbr:Zodiac,_Texas
- dbr:Fred_Gipson
- dbr:Devil's_Backbone
- dbr:Ice_house_(building)
- dbr:Joshua_Brown_(Texas_pioneer)
- dbr:Kerrville_State_Hospital
- dbr:Krause_Springs
- dbr:Spring_Creek_Forest_Preserve
- dbr:Sterling_Bank_(Texas)
- dbr:Stowers_Ranch
- dbr:Mapsco
- dbr:Marble_Falls_Independent_School_District
- dbr:Museo_Benini
- dbr:2000_United_States_presidential_election_in_Texas
- dbr:Austin,_Texas
- dbr:Balcones_Canyonlands_National_Wildlife_Refuge
- dbr:Bandera,_Texas
- dbr:Bankersmith,_Texas
- dbr:Barbarosa
- dbr:Broadway_Bank_(Texas)
- dbr:Brucene_Smith
- dbr:Bull_Creek_(Texas)
- dbr:Catherine_Caradja
- dbr:Cave_Without_a_Name
- dbr:Central_Texas
- dbr:Tom_Loeffler
- dbr:Travis_County,_Texas
- dbr:Tuff,_Texas
- dbr:U.S._Route_183_in_Texas
- dbr:U.S._Route_190
- dbr:U.S._Route_290
- dbr:U.S._Route_83_in_Texas
- dbr:U.S._Route_87_in_Texas
- dbr:Wild_Basin_Wilderness_Preserve
- dbr:Hays_County,_Texas
- dbr:Heart_of_Texas_Wildlife_Trail
- dbr:James_Callan_Graham
- dbr:Jerry_DeCicca
- dbr:Junction_Boys
- dbr:Las_Moras_Mountain
- dbr:Quercus_laceyi
- dbr:Texas's_10th_congressional_district
- dbr:2022_United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Texas
- dbr:Albert,_Texas
- dbr:Albert_Parsons
- dbr:Alfred_P.C._Petsch
- dbr:American_snout
- dbr:Dallas–Fort_Worth_metroplex
- dbr:Dripping_Springs,_Texas
- dbr:Dwight_D._Eisenhower_Park_(San_Antonio)
- dbr:Eric_Pianka
- dbr:Erik_Hokkanen
- dbr:Evandberg_Orphanage
- dbr:Falkenstein_Castle_(Pfronten)
- dbr:Fort_Martin_Scott
- dbr:Fossil_Rim_Wildlife_Center
- dbr:Francis_Cherry_(governor)
- dbr:Balcones_Fault
- dbr:Bamberger_Ranch_Preserve
- dbr:Bandera_County,_Texas
- dbr:Barksdale,_Texas
- dbr:Barringer_Hill
- dbr:Noxville,_Texas
- dbr:Nueces_River
- dbr:Our_Fellow_Americans
- dbr:Our_Lady_of_the_Hills_High_School
- dbr:Ozona,_Texas
- dbr:Palo_Pinto_Mountains
- dbr:Central_Texas_Electric_Cooperative
- dbr:Forensic_Anthropology_Center_at_Texas_State
- dbr:Forty-Eighters
- dbr:German_Americans_in_the_American_Civil_War
- dbr:German_Texan
- dbr:Gonodonta_sinaldus
- dbr:Hill_County,_Texas
- dbr:History_of_Texas
- dbr:Kelly_Fearing
- dbr:Renne_Hughes
- dbr:Grit,_Texas
- dbr:Guadalupe_River_(Texas)
- dbr:Harris_Hill_Raceway
- dbr:Helotes,_Texas
- dbr:Hermann_Lungkwitz
- dbr:Hilda,_Texas
- dbr:Hill_Country_State_Natural_Area
- dbr:Iranian_Americans
- dbr:James_Dickey_(Texas_politician)
- dbr:Temple,_Texas
- dbr:Texas
- dbr:Texas_Hill_Country_AVA
- dbr:Texas_Park_Road_37
- dbr:Texas_Public_Radio
- dbr:Texas_State_Capitol
- dbr:Texas_State_Highway_16
- dbr:Texas_State_Highway_173
- dbr:Texas_State_Highway_39
- dbr:Texas_State_Highway_41
- dbr:Texas_State_Highway_55
- dbr:Texas_in_My_Soul
- dbr:Texas_in_the_American_Civil_War
- dbr:Texas_Tech_University_at_Highland_Lakes
- dbr:Atakapa
- dbr:Augie_Meyers
- dbr:Chameleon_Cold-Brew
- dbr:Cherry_Spring,_Texas
- dbr:Cherry_Springs_Dance_Hall
- dbr:Jimmy_LaFave
- dbr:KAJZ
- dbr:KBVO
- dbr:KTBC_(TV)
- dbr:KVET_(AM)
- dbr:KXAN-TV
- dbr:Kerrville,_Texas
- dbr:Lady_Bird_Johnson_Wildflower_Center
- dbr:Lago_Vista,_Texas
- dbr:Lake_Buchanan_(Texas)
- dbr:Lake_Lyndon_B._Johnson
- dbr:Lake_Marble_Falls
- dbr:Lamar_Smith
- dbr:Lammes_Candy
- dbr:Lance_Armstrong
- dbr:Languages_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Blanco_County,_Texas
- dbr:Sun_City_Texas
- dbr:Susan_Wittig_Albert
- dbr:TMI_Episcopal
- dbr:Echo_Hill_Ranch
- dbr:Edwards_Plateau
- dbr:Jacob's_Well_(Texas)
- dbr:Texan_English
- dbr:Tow,_Texas
- dbr:Williamson_County,_Texas
- dbr:Zion_Lutheran_Church_(Fredericksburg,_Texas)
- dbr:Rebecca_Rather
- dbr:Tropical_Storm_Amelia_(1978)
- dbr:Doss,_Gillespie_County,_Texas
- dbr:Philip_Sheridan
- dbr:Porfirio_Salinas
- dbr:South_Llano_River_State_Park
- dbr:Southwestern_United_States
- dbr:St._Stephen's_Episcopal_School_(Austin,_Texas)
- dbr:Ingram,_Texas
- dbr:Inks_Lake
- dbr:Kinky_Friedman
- dbr:Kyle_Biedermann
- dbr:Bud_Shrake
- dbr:Natural_Bridge_Caverns
- dbr:New_Braunfels,_Texas
- dbr:O'Neil_Ford
- dbr:Cascade_Caverns
- dbr:Cat_Adams
- dbr:Ranch_Road_1
- dbr:Ranch_to_Market_Road_2222
- dbr:Ranch_to_Market_Road_243
- dbr:Ranch_to_Market_Road_337
- dbr:Randalls
- dbr:Seals_and_Crofts
- dbr:Shavano_Park,_Texas
is dbp:area
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is foaf:primaryTopic
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