The Boost is a 1988 American drama film directed by Harold Becker and based on the book Ludes: A Ballad of the Drug and the Dream by Ben Stein. It stars James Woods, Sean Young, John Kapelos, Steven Hill, June Chandler and Amanda Blake.
État de choc (titre original : The Boost) est un film américain réalisé par Harold Becker, sorti en 1988. (fr)
The Boost is a 1988 American drama film directed by Harold Becker and based on the book Ludes: A Ballad of the Drug and the Dream by Ben Stein. It stars James Woods, Sean Young, John Kapelos, Steven Hill, June Chandler and Amanda Blake. (en)
Cocaina (The Boost) è un film del 1988 diretto da Harold Becker. (it)
État de choc (titre original : The Boost) est un film américain réalisé par Harold Becker, sorti en 1988. (fr)
The Boost is a 1988 American drama film directed by Harold Becker and based on the book Ludes: A Ballad of the Drug and the Dream by Ben Stein. It stars James Woods, Sean Young, John Kapelos, Steven Hill, June Chandler and Amanda Blake. (en)
Cocaina (The Boost) è un film del 1988 diretto da Harold Becker. (it)