The Comrades of Summer is a 1992 television film featuring Joe Mantegna and Natalya Negoda. It was directed by Tommy Lee Wallace, written by Robert Rodat and aired on HBO on July 11, 1992.
The Comrades of Summer is a 1992 television film featuring Joe Mantegna and Natalya Negoda. It was directed by Tommy Lee Wallace, written by Robert Rodat and aired on HBO on July 11, 1992. (en)
«Ле́тние това́рищи» (англ. The Comrades of Summer) — американский телефильм 1992 года. (ru)
The Comrades of Summer is a 1992 television film featuring Joe Mantegna and Natalya Negoda. It was directed by Tommy Lee Wallace, written by Robert Rodat and aired on HBO on July 11, 1992. (en)
«Ле́тние това́рищи» (англ. The Comrades of Summer) — американский телефильм 1992 года. (ru)