The Hustler of Muscle Beach is a 1980 American comedy television film starring Richard Hatch, Kay Lenz and Jeanette Nolan. It was directed by Jonathan Kaplan and originally aired on ABC as the ABC Friday Night Movie on May 16, 1980.
The Hustler of Muscle Beach is a 1980 American comedy television film starring Richard Hatch, Kay Lenz and Jeanette Nolan. It was directed by Jonathan Kaplan and originally aired on ABC as the ABC Friday Night Movie on May 16, 1980. (en)
The Hustler of Muscle Beach is a 1980 American comedy television film starring Richard Hatch, Kay Lenz and Jeanette Nolan. It was directed by Jonathan Kaplan and originally aired on ABC as the ABC Friday Night Movie on May 16, 1980. (en)