The Innocent Sleep is a 1996 British thriller film directed by and starring Rupert Graves, Michael Gambon and Franco Nero. In the film, a homeless man witnesses a gangland killing and becomes a _target himself.
Témoin innocent (The Innocent Sleep) est un film britannique réalisé par Scott Michell, sorti en 1996. (fr)
The Innocent Sleep is a 1996 British thriller film directed by and starring Rupert Graves, Michael Gambon and Franco Nero. In the film, a homeless man witnesses a gangland killing and becomes a _target himself. (en)
Témoin innocent (The Innocent Sleep) est un film britannique réalisé par Scott Michell, sorti en 1996. (fr)
The Innocent Sleep is a 1996 British thriller film directed by and starring Rupert Graves, Michael Gambon and Franco Nero. In the film, a homeless man witnesses a gangland killing and becomes a _target himself. (en)