The Quitter is a 1934 American drama film directed by Richard Thorpe and starring Charley Grapewin, Emma Dunn and Barbara Weeks. It was produced and distributed by the Poverty Row studio Chesterfield Pictures, later absorbed into Republic.
The Quitter est un film américain réalisé par Richard Thorpe, sorti en 1934. (fr)
The Quitter is a 1934 American drama film directed by Richard Thorpe and starring Charley Grapewin, Emma Dunn and Barbara Weeks. It was produced and distributed by the Poverty Row studio Chesterfield Pictures, later absorbed into Republic. (en)
The Quitter est un film américain réalisé par Richard Thorpe, sorti en 1934. (fr)
The Quitter is a 1934 American drama film directed by Richard Thorpe and starring Charley Grapewin, Emma Dunn and Barbara Weeks. It was produced and distributed by the Poverty Row studio Chesterfield Pictures, later absorbed into Republic. (en)