- Cena Via Bona je ocenění, které v Česku každoročně udílí Nadace Via jednotlivcům, skupinám a firmám za inspirativní počiny v oblasti filantropie. Nadace usiluje o to, aby bylo v Česku více lidí, kteří společně pečují o své okolí a kteří darují druhým. „Každá dobročinnost je i příběh – a může být silnou motivací pro lidi, kteří o darování uvažují, ale zatím nevědí, jak začít,“ shrnuje ředitel nadace Via Zdeněk Mihalco. Poprvé byla Cena udělena v roce 1998 s cílem obnovit zpřetrhanou tradici filantropie v České republice. Cenou Via Bona nadace vyzdvihuje inspirativní příběhy dárcovství a dobročinnosti a ukazuje nové filantropické trendy i možné cesty všem současným i potenciálním filantropům. Ocenění je symbolické poděkování těm, kteří nezištně pomáhají druhým, věnují svůj čas, energii, peníze či zkušenosti pro dobrou věc – všem, kteří mění své okolí a společnost k lepšímu. Cenu Via Bona každoročně zaštiťuje Velvyslanectví Spojených států amerických v Praze. (cs)
- The Via Bona Awards for Philanthropy are annual awards presented by the Via Foundation to acknowledge exemplary philanthropy of companies and individuals who have a history of strong support of the work of non-profit organizations in the Czech Republic. The Via Foundation supports community and philanthropy development in the Czech Republic. Via Foundation focuses on growing the number of people in the Czech Republic working collaboratively to improve their communities and giving to help others. "Every act of charity is a story – which can motivate other people who are thinking about giving back but don't know how to start," says Executive Director Jiří Bárta about why Via Foundation presents the Via Bona awards. The Via Bona Awards are one of the two major annual awards in the Czech Republic to honor philanthropy and philanthropists. The other major Czech philanthropy award is the TOP Corporate Philanthropists Award presented by Donors Forum to award companies which have given the highest total monetary amount to charitable causes over the course of one year. Since 1997, The Via Bona Awards are held each year under the auspices of the Embassy of the US in Prague and the general partner is Nadace Vodafone Česká republika. The Via Bona Award is given to those who serve as an example to others through their material and financial support, as well as their willingness to tread untried paths. The Via Bona Awards are nominated by Czech nonprofit organizations and are chosen by an independent jury. For the 19th year in a row, Via Foundation recognized individuals and companies who help improve their communities by giving their time, energy, expertise or money to help others. Via announced the winners of the 2016 Via Bona Philanthropy Awards. Juries selected winners in six categories. The 2016 award winners include people such as Zdeňka Mocňáková, who helps disabled people and senior citizens despite being reliant on a wheelchair herself. She is the recipient of the Personal Engagement Award. In the Young Personal Engagement category, the jury selected two winners: Jakub Trefný, who despite being just nineteen years old, is an experienced volunteer nad helps senior citizens, homeless people and refugees, and Milan Dzuriak, who undertakes "Journeys against Pain" to raise money to make disabled children's dreams come true. The Patron Award was presented to businessman Sanjiv Suri, owner of Zátiší Group, for his numerous philanthropic activities both in the Czech Republic and around the world. The Good Company Award went to Dušan Hopp's company Auto Díly Servis s.r.o., based in Nový Jičín, whose owner and employees helped remodel a Home for Pregnant Women in Crisis. The Loyal Donor Award is a new category this year. It went to Asaf Auerbach, a regular donor to children's charities whose own life was saved by Sir Nicholas Winton during World War II. The Bequests Help Award draws attention to bequests, which are still an uncommon form of giving in the Czech Republic. Via Foundation recognized microbiologist Ludmila Šilhánkova in memoriam. She left over CZK 2 million to help disabled children and young people. The Public's Choice Award is a special seventh category presented under the auspices of Czech TV, the main media partner of the Via Bona Awards. Members of the public chose from among the 15 nominated philanthropists on the Via Foundation website. The winner of the voting was Zdeňka Mocňáková. (en)
- Cena Via Bona je ocenění, které v Česku každoročně udílí Nadace Via jednotlivcům, skupinám a firmám za inspirativní počiny v oblasti filantropie. Nadace usiluje o to, aby bylo v Česku více lidí, kteří společně pečují o své okolí a kteří darují druhým. „Každá dobročinnost je i příběh – a může být silnou motivací pro lidi, kteří o darování uvažují, ale zatím nevědí, jak začít,“ shrnuje ředitel nadace Via Zdeněk Mihalco. Poprvé byla Cena udělena v roce 1998 s cílem obnovit zpřetrhanou tradici filantropie v České republice. (cs)
- The Via Bona Awards for Philanthropy are annual awards presented by the Via Foundation to acknowledge exemplary philanthropy of companies and individuals who have a history of strong support of the work of non-profit organizations in the Czech Republic. The Via Foundation supports community and philanthropy development in the Czech Republic. Via Foundation focuses on growing the number of people in the Czech Republic working collaboratively to improve their communities and giving to help others. "Every act of charity is a story – which can motivate other people who are thinking about giving back but don't know how to start," says Executive Director Jiří Bárta about why Via Foundation presents the Via Bona awards. (en)