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No protofeathers on pterosaurs

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The Original Article was published on 17 December 2018

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Fig. 1: Integumentary structures in Sordes pilosus, PIN–2585/36 (Palaeontological Institute, Moscow).

Data availability

The data that support the findings of this study were collected from the literature cited and examination of specimens mentioned in the text.


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We thank P. Wellnhofer and O. Rauhut (Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie, München), Z. Zhou, X. Wang and S. Jiang (Institute for Vertebrate Palaeontology and Palaeoanthropology, Beijing), staff of the Jinzhou Palaeontological Museum, Jinzhou, A. Kellner (Museu Nacional, Rio), S. Chapman and L. Steel (Natural History Museum, London), N. Bakhurina-Unwin (Palaeontological Institute, Moscow and University of Bristol), C. Zhou (Paleontological Museum of Liaoning, Shenyang), E. Frey (Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Karlsruhe), X. Zheng, W. Wang and X. Zhang (Tianyu Museum of Natural History, Shandong) and X. Jin (Zhejiang Museum of Natural History, Hangzhou) for providing access to specimens in their care, N. Bakhurina-Unwin, C. Bennett, E. Frey, P. Godefroit, M. Habib, D. Hone, S. Jiang, M. McNamara, H. Tischlinger, M. Schweitzer, Z. Yang and the late J. Lü for discussion of the pterosaur integument, and R. Belben and J. Bestwick for suggestions that helped improve an earlier version of the manuscript. D.M.U. thanks the Royal Society (JP100473) and the University of Leicester for financial support. D.M.M. thanks the University of Portsmouth for financial support.

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D.M.U. and D.M.M. conceived the project, conducted the research, constructed the figures and wrote the paper.

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Correspondence to David M. Unwin.

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Unwin, D.M., Martill, D.M. No protofeathers on pterosaurs. Nat Ecol Evol 4, 1590–1591 (2020).

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