DOI:10.1049/IP-CDT:20045098 - Corpus ID: 15948942
Models of computation and languages for embedded system design
@inproceedings{Jantsch2005ModelsOC, title={Models of computation and languages for embedded system design}, author={Axel Jantsch and Ingo Sander}, year={2005}, url={} }
- A. Jantsch, I. Sander
- Published 25 July 2005
- Computer Science, Engineering
It is argued that different MoCs are necessary for the various tasks and phases in the design of an embedded system and have to be integrated to provide a coherent system modelling and analysis environment.
102 Citations
102 Citations
Execution of heterogeneous models for thermal analysis with a multi-view approach
- Amani KhecharemCarlos GomezJulien DeantoniF. MalletR. Simone
- Computer Science, Engineering
- 2014
The proposed co-simulation framework combines TIMESQUARE, a discrete event simulator for CCSL, and Scilab, a tool for numerical computation, to provide an event-based semantics for each model and their coordination.
Systematic transaction level communication modeling with systemC
- Wolfgang Klingauf
- Computer Science, Engineering
- 2008
New implementation techniques for communication modeling with SystemC are discussed which outperform the existing approaches in terms of flexibility, simulation accuracy, and performance.
Automation Approaches for Embedded Systems Design Flows Based on Formal Models of Computation Estratégias de Automação para Desenvolvimento de Projetos de Sistemas Embarcados Baseados em Modelos Formais de Computação
- Augusto Y. Horita
- Computer Science, Engineering
- 2019
The present research aims to identify possible automation approaches for embedded systems design flows using formalbased design methods to make the development process robust and scalable, using the correct-by-construction approach.
Multi-Formalism Modelling and Model Execution
- Cécile HardebolleFrédéric Boulanger
- Computer Science
- 2009
This work proposes an approach to multi-formalism modelling, called ModHel’X, which is based on the concept of Model of Computation and focuses on the simulation of models, and addresses two important issues in this particular field: providing support for the specification of the execution semantics of a modelling formalism, and allowing the specifications of the interactions between parts of a model described using different modelling formalisms.
Architecture models refinement for fine grain timing analysis of embedded systems
- Etienne BordeSmail RahmounFabien CadoretL. PautetF. SinghoffP. Dissaux
- Computer Science, Engineering2014 25nd IEEE International Symposium on Rapid…
- 2014
A model refinement and timing analysis framework: abstract models of computation are first transformed in more precise models, which include the timing characteristics of the execution platform, and these refined models are then used for a more precise timing analysis.
Analysis & Design of Network in Reusable Sub-Systems
- Dr.A.ArulLawrence selvakumar
- Computer Science, Engineering
- 2009
This work modeled a concurrent architecture for a customizable and scalable NOC in a system-level modeling environment using MLDesigner, which provides a system level modeling platform, which allows one to integrate such MOCs together.
Analysis and Identification of Possible Automation Approaches for Embedded Systems Design Flows
- Augusto Y. HoritaD. LoubachRicardo Bonna
- Engineering, Computer ScienceInf.
- 2020
This work presents a novel method for analysis and identification of possible automation approaches applicable to embedded systems design flow supported by formal models of computation.
Execution Strategies for PTIDES, a Programming Model for Distributed Embedded Systems
- Jia ZouSlobodan MaticEdward A. LeeT. FengP. Derler
- Computer Science, Engineering2009 15th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology…
- 2009
This paper first defines a general execution strategy that conforms to the DE semantics, and then specializes this strategy to give practical, implementable and distributed policies.
A Timed Multitasking Architecture for Distributed Embedded Systems
- C. AngelovJesper Berthing
- Computer Science, Engineering
- 2007
The paper presents a software architecture for Distributed Timed Multitasking -a new model of computation that can be used to engineer open, and the same time, predictable embedded systems. Systems…
Explicit modelling and synthesis of debuggers for hybrid simulation languages
- S. MierloC. GomesH. Vangheluwe
- Computer Science
- 2017
This work creates a debugging-enhanced simulator of the Hybrid Automata formalism, by embedding a Causal Block Diagrams simulator in a Timed Finite State Automata simulator and instrument it with debugging support at the hybrid level.
79 References
SPI - a system model for heterogeneously specified embedded systems
- D. ZiegenbeinK. RichterR. ErnstL. ThieleJ. Teich
- Computer Science, EngineeringIEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst.
- 2002
The system property intervals (SPI) model is presented, which employs behavioral intervals and process modes to allow the common representation of different languages and semantics in heterogeneously specified embedded systems.
System Design with SystemC
- T. Grotker
- Computer Science, Engineering
- 2002
System Design and SystemC provides a comprehensive introduction to the powerful modeling capabilities of the SystemC language, and also provides a large and valuable set of system level modeling examples and techniques.
System modeling and transformational design refinement in ForSyDe [formal system design]
- I. SanderA. Jantsch
- Computer Science, Engineering
- 2004
This paper introduces process constructors, that cleanly separate the computation part of a process from the synchronization and communication part, and develops the characteristic function for each process type and uses it to define semantic preserving and design decision transformations.
Synchronous Programming of Reactive Systems
- N. Halbwachs
- Computer Science, Engineering
- 1998
This book presents a synthesis of recent works concerning reactive system design, based on Robin Milner's pioneering works about synchronous process algebras, which consists in considering that a program instantaneously reacts to events, or that the machine execution time is negligible with respect to the response delays of its environment.
Models and languages for parallel computation
- D. SkillicornD. Talia
- Computer ScienceCSUR
- 1998
It is argued that an ideal model should by easy to program, should have a software development methodology, should be architecture-independent, should been easy to understand, should guarantee performance, and should provide accurate information about the cost of programs.
Statecharts: A Visual Formalism for Complex Systems
- D. Harel
- Computer Science, Engineering
- 1987
A framework for comparing models of computation
- Edward A. LeeA. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
- Computer ScienceIEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Des. Integr. Circuits…
- 1998
We give a denotational framework (a "meta model") within which certain properties of models of computation can be compared. It describes concurrent processes in general terms as sets of possible…
On the roles of functions and objects in system specification
- A. JantschI. Sander
- Computer ScienceProceedings of the Eighth International Workshop…
- 2000
An analysis of the benefits and drawbacks of function and object based models in system specification and argues that the integration should be based on an explicit formulation of design decisions with a tool handling the consequences of the decisions.
Formal verification in hardware design: a survey
- Christoph KernM. Greenstreet
- Computer Science, EngineeringTODE
- 1999
A selection of case studies where formal methods were applied to industrial-scale designs, such as microprocessors, floating-point hardware, protocols, memory subsystems, and communications hardware are presented.
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