DOI:10.1126/science.1231298 - Corpus ID: 206545831
Scaling the Ion Trap Quantum Processor
@article{Monroe2013ScalingTI, title={Scaling the Ion Trap Quantum Processor}, author={Christopher R. Monroe and Jungsang Kim}, journal={Science}, year={2013}, volume={339}, pages={1164 - 1169}, url={} }
- C. Monroe, Jungsang Kim
- Published in Science 8 March 2013
- Physics, Engineering
The latest progress and prospects in the scaling of trapped ions to hundreds or thousands of qubits and beyond are reviewed, with the promise of advanced architectures and new technologies, such as microfabricated ion traps and integrated photonics.
661 Citations
661 Citations
Reconfigurable and Programmable Ion Trap Quantum Computer
- Stewart AllenJungsang KimD. MoehringC. Monroe
- Computer Science, Physics
- 2017
Progress is presented on the construction and operation of a room- temperature quantum computer built with trapped atomic ion qubits, which will likely allow ion trap quantum computers to express the superset of all known quantum computation operations, and thus efficiently _target any type of application that arises.
Quantum Networks with Atoms and Photons
- C. MonroeW. Campbell K. Wright
- Physics
- 2013
Trapped atomic ions are standards for quantum information processing, as all of the fundamental quantum operations have been demonstrated in small collections of atoms. Current work is concentrated…
Scalable digital hardware for a trapped ion quantum computer
- E. MountD. Gaultney Jungsang Kim
- Physics, Computer Science
- 2015
This work describes scalable solutions to the challenges of scaling quantum computer hardware at the interface between the qubits and the classical control signals used to manipulate them.
Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ion Chains
- T. Manning
- Physics
- 2014
Title of dissertation: QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSING WITH TRAPPED ION CHAINS Timothy Andrew Manning, Doctor of Philosophy, 2014 Dissertation directed by: Professor Christopher Monroe Joint Quantum…
Multiplexed quantum repeaters based on dual-species trapped-ion systems
- Prajit DharaN. LinkeE. WaksS. GuhaK. Seshadreesan
- Physics, EngineeringPhysical Review A
- 2022
The results bolster the case for near-term trapped-ion systems as quantum repeaters for long-distance quantum communications and propose and analyze a protocol based on spatial and temporal mode multiplexing for entanglement distribution across a line network of such repeaters.
Quantum Processors in Silicon Photonics
- S. PaesaniA. Laing
- Physics, Engineering
- 2021
This chapter will review recent results in developing key building blocks for chip-scale photonic quantum devices and discuss the progress towards useful large-scale quantum computers in the silicon quantum photonics platform.
Entangling gates for trapped-ion quantum computation and quantum simulation
- Zhen CaiChunyang Luan Kihwan Kim
- Physics
- 2023
The trapped-ion system has been a leading platform for practical quantum computation and quantum simulation since the first scheme of a quantum gate was proposed by Cirac and Zoller (Phys Rev Lett…
Large-scale modular quantum-computer architecture with atomic memory and photonic interconnects
- C. MonroeR. Raussendorf Jungsang Kim
- Computer Science, Engineering
- 2014
This work analyzes a modular ion trap quantum-computer architecture with a hierarchy of interactions that can scale to very large numbers of qubits, and shows that this architecture can be made fault tolerant, and demonstrates its viability for fault-tolerant execution of modest size quantum circuits.
Materials challenges for trapped-ion quantum computers
- K. BrownJ. ChiaveriniJ. SageH. Häffner
- Materials Science, Physics
- 2021
This Review surveys materials opportunities to improve the performance of trapped-ion qubits, from understanding the surface science that leads to electric-field noise to developing methods for building ion traps with integrated optics and electronics.
OpenQL : A Portable Quantum Programming Framework for Quantum Accelerators
- N. KhammassiI. Ashraf C. G. Almudever
- Computer Science, Physics
- 2022
This article presents the programming interface of OpenQL, the different layers of the compiler and how it can provide portability over different qubit technologies, and shows that OpenQL allows the execution of the same high-level algorithm on two different qu Bit technologies, namely superconducting qubits and Si-Spin qubits.
47 References
Architecture for a large-scale ion-trap quantum computer
- D. KielpinskiC. MonroeD. Wineland
- Physics, Computer Science
- 2002
This work shows how to achieve massively parallel gate operation in a large-scale quantum computer, based on techniques already demonstrated for manipulating small quantum registers, and uses the use of decoherence-free subspaces to do so.
Entanglement of single-atom quantum bits at a distance
- D. MoehringP. Maunz C. Monroe
- Physics
- 2007
The entanglement of two fixed single-atom quantum memories separated by one metre is demonstrated by directly measuring qubit correlations with near-perfect detection efficiency, and is still in principle useful for subsequent quantum operations and scalable quantum information applications.
Colloquium: Quantum networks with trapped ions
Abstract : Quantum computation and communication exploit the quantum properties of superposition and entanglement in order to perform tasks that may be impossible using classical means. In this…
Towards fault-tolerant quantum computing with trapped ions
- J. BenhelmG. KirchmairC. F. RoosR. Blatt
- Physics, Computer Science
- 2008
The regime of fault-tolerant quantum computing has now been reached for a system based on trapped ions, in which a gate operation for entangling qubits has been implemented with a fidelity exceeding 99%.
Entangled states of trapped atomic ions
- R. BlattD. Wineland
- Physics
- 2008
Experiments show that just a few entangled trapped ions can be used to improve the precision of measurements, and if the entanglement in such systems can be scaled up to larger numbers of ions, simulations that are intractable on a classical computer might become possible.
Quantum computing with trapped ions
- H. HäffnerC. RoosR. Blatt
- Physics, Computer Science
- 2008
Realization of the Cirac–Zoller controlled-NOT quantum gate
- F. Schmidt-KalerH. Häffner R. Blatt
- Physics, Computer Science
- 2003
This work implements a CNOT quantum gate according to the Cirac–Zoller proposal, which relies on recently developed precise control of atomic phases and the application of composite pulse sequences adapted from nuclear magnetic resonance techniques.
Speed optimized two-qubit gates with laser coherent control techniques for ion trap quantum computing.
- J. GarcĂa-RipollP. ZollerJ. Cirac
- Physics, Engineering
- 2003
A new concept for a two-qubit gate operating on a pair of trapped ions based on laser coherent control techniques is proposed, which is insensitive to the temperature of the ions, works also outside the Lamb-Dicke regime, and can be orders of magnitude faster than the trap period.
Quantum dynamics of single trapped ions
- D. LeibfriedR. BlattC. MonroeD. Wineland
- Physics
- 2003
Single trapped ions represent elementary quantum systems that are well isolated from the environment. They can be brought nearly to rest by laser cooling, and both their internal electronic states…
Demonstrating the viability of universal quantum computation using teleportation and single-qubit operations
- D. GottesmanI. Chuang
- Physics, Computer Science
- 1999
It is shown that single quantum bit operations, Bell-basis measurements and certain entangled quantum states such as Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger (GHZ) states are sufficient to construct a universal quantum computer.
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