DOI:10.2307/25148783 - Corpus ID: 8664478
Understanding and Mitigating Uncertainty in Online Exchange Relationships: A Principal-Agent Perspective
@article{Pavlou2007UnderstandingAM, title={Understanding and Mitigating Uncertainty in Online Exchange Relationships: A Principal-Agent Perspective}, author={Paul A. Pavlou and Huigang Liang and Yajiong Xue}, journal={MIS Q.}, year={2007}, volume={31}, pages={105-136}, url={} }
- P. Pavlou, Huigang Liang, Yajiong Xue
- Published in MIS Q. 1 March 2007
- Business, Economics, Computer Science
- MIS Q.
This study draws upon and extends the principal-agent perspective to identify and propose a set of four antecedents of perceived uncertainty in online buyer seller relationship superceived information asymmetry, fears of seller opportunism, information privacy concerns, and information security concerns which facilitate online exchange relationships by overcoming the agency problems of adverse selection and moral hazard.
2,473 Citations
Principal-Agent Perspective (opens in a new tab)Online Exchange Relationships (opens in a new tab)Website Informativeness (opens in a new tab)Product Diagnosticity (opens in a new tab)Seller Opportunism (opens in a new tab)Perceived Uncertainty (opens in a new tab)Information Privacy Concerns (opens in a new tab)Uncertainty (opens in a new tab)Hidden Action (opens in a new tab)Adverse Selection (opens in a new tab)
2,473 Citations
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- Business, Computer Science
- 2009
This research inspects the effects of the information from four information seeking strategies on online consumers’ perception of uncertainty when initially transacting with an unknown seller in an online marketplace in China and integrates the two most prominent contextual factors, information consistency and seller reputation.
- Thomas P. BartoIndira R. Guzman
- Business, Computer Science
- 2018
Results of this empirical study show that event-driven distress can positively motivate an individual to providepersonal information; and, that it can mediate the impact of certain situational factors on an individual’s willingness to provide personal information.
Understanding Repeat Purchase Intentions And Uncertainty In The Context Of Online Shopping
- Jau-Wen WangHsiu-Lan Wu
- Business, Computer Science
- 2011
A conceptual model is proposed that identifies the sources of uncertainty, and three types of uncertainty (seller uncertainty, product uncertainty and environmental uncertainty) are respectively proposed as formative second-order constructs and shown to have a negative effect on repeat purchase intentions.
Seller Reviews and Consumers' Perceptions of Trust, Risks, and Uncertainty
- Jing YangR. SarathyTao Wu
- Business, Psychology
- 2019
The study evaluates the effects of the three antecedents of trust in the seller reviews context with a quasi-experiment to validate that the principal-agent theory provides a good fit for understanding seller-related uncertainty in e-commerce transactions.
The Need for Consumer Trust in Intermediaries in Electronic Markets: A Theoretical Framework
- P. DattaSutirtha Chatterjee
- Business, Economics
- 2007
The rise of E-commerce came with the promise of disintermediation. Yet, from aggregators to authenticators, the online landscape today is scattered with intermediaries such as EBay and Verisign,…
Information privacy concern and deception in online retailing
- Yang LiHefu LiuMatthew K. O. LeeQian Huang
- Business, Computer Science
- 2020
Results have shown that OCMR is significant in reducing online uncertainties, and OOII strengthens this effect, thereby enhancing online loyalty, and information integrity in the form of OO II was proposed to complement OCMR.
Boosting Online Purchase Intention in High-Uncertainty-Avoidance Societies: A Signaling Theory Approach
- Ahmed Samed Al-AdwanM. AlrousanHusam YaseenAmer Muflih AlkufahyM. Alsoud
- Business, Economics
- 2022
Despite the fact that online purchase intention has been widely investigated, little is known about the e-retailer-based signals used to reduce online customers’ uncertainty perception in…
Buyer-seller interaction dynamics: a multidimensional assessment of seller reputation and perceived freedom in curbing opportunism in online platforms
- Jingbo YuanBilal AhmadZhilin YangQing Ye
- Business, Computer Science
- 2024
The results indicate that both behavior-based and outcome-based reputations positively impact sellers’ perceived freedom but negatively impact their opportunism, and while perceived freedom of objectives reduces opportunism, freedom of action increases it.
Curbing electronic shopper perceived opportunism and encouraging trust
- Sonia San MartÃn GutiérrezNadia H. Jiménez
- Business, Computer Science
- 2017
Satisfactory experience with ES and entertainment emerge as the most relevant factors to achieve trust and prevent perceived opportunism in e-commerce.
103 References
Psychological Contract Violation in Online Marketplaces: Antecedents, Consequences, and Moderating Role
- P. PavlouDavid Gefen
- Psychology, Business
- 2005
A combination of primary and secondary longitudinal data from 404 buyers in eBay's and Amazon's online auctions support the proposed hypotheses, validating PCV as a central element of buyer-seller relationships in online marketplaces.
Evidence of the Effect of Trust Building Technology in Electronic Markets: Price Premiums and Buyer Behavior
Despite the wide use of reputational mechanisms such as eBay's Feedback Forum to promote trust, empirical studies have shown conflicting results as to whether online feedback mechanisms induce trust…
Building Effective Online Marketplaces with Institution-Based Trust
- P. PavlouDavid Gefen
- Sociology, Economics
- 2002
The study shows that the perceived effectiveness of institutional mechanisms encompasses both "weak" and "strong" mechanisms, which contributes to an effective online marketplace, and helps explain why, despite the inherent uncertainty that arises when buyers and sellers are separated in time and in space, online marketplaces are proliferating.
Developing and Validating Trust Measures for e-Commerce: An Integrative Typology
- D. HarrisonMcknight bulletV. ChoudhuryC. Kacmar
- Business, Computer Science
- 2002
This paper contributes by proposing and validating measures for a multidisciplinary, multidimensional model of trust in e-commerce, which shows that trust is indeed a multiddimensional concept.
Internet Users' Information Privacy Concerns (IUIPC): The Construct, the Scale, and a Causal Model
- N. MalhotraSung S. KimJames Agarwal
- Computer Science
- 2004
The results of this study indicate that the second-order IUIPC factor, which consists of three first-order dimensions--namely, collection, control, and awareness--exhibited desirable psychometric properties in the context of online privacy.
Information Privacy Concerns, Procedural Fairness, and Impersonal Trust: An Empirical Investigation
- M. CulnanPam Armstrong
- Business, Computer Science
- 1999
The hypothesis that organizations can address privacy concerns and gain business advantage through customer retention by observing procedural fairness was supported as it found that when customers are explicitly told that fair information practices are employed, privacy concerns do not distinguish consumers who are willing to be profiled from those who are unwilling to have their personal information used in this way.
Trust and TAM in Online Shopping: An Integrated Model
- David GefenElena KarahannaD. Straub
- Computer Science, BusinessMIS Q.
- 2003
Research on experienced repeat online shoppers shows that consumer trust is as important to online commerce as the widely accepted TAM use-antecedents, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, and provides evidence that online trust is built through a belief that the vendor has nothing to gain by cheating.
Agency and trust mechanisms in consumer satisfaction and loyalty judgments
- Jagdip SinghDeepak Sirdeshmukh
- Business, Psychology
- 2000
The authors propose a framework for understanding key mechanisms that shape satisfaction in individual encounters, and loyalty across ongoing exchanges. In particular, the framework draws together…
Information Asymmetry and Levels of Agency Relationships
- D. MishraJan B. HeideStanton G. Cort
- Economics, Business
- 1998
Many marketing exchanges are characterized by an information asymmetry between suppliers and customers. Specifically, customers are faced with both adverse selection and moral hazard problems that…
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