image/svg+xml HetchHetchyReservoir Lake Eleanor Cherry Lake TenayaLake SaddlebagLake TwinLakes YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK Tower Peak MatterhornPeak Mt. Hoffmann Half Dome Merced Peak Mt. Lyell RacheriaMountain Mt. Dana PettitPeak Road River/Stream Park boundary 120 140 40 120 TiogaPass Olmsted Point Tuolumne Meadows VisitorsCenter GlacierPoint El Portal CraneFlat White Wolf 37°30' 37°45' 38°00' 38°13' 119°45' 119°30' 119°15' 0 0 10 KILOMETERS 10 MILES Volcanic rocks Rest of Tuolomne Instrusive Suite Fine Gold Intrusive Suite Diorite and gabbro Scheelite Intrusive Suite Mostly metamorphosedsedimentary rocks Mostly metamorphosedvolcanic rocks Contact Intrusive suite of Washburn Lake Intrusive suite of Buena Vista Crest Intrusive suite of Merced Peak Intrusive suite of Yosemite Valley Granitic rocks, unassigned to suite Intrusive suite of Sonora Pass Intrusive suite of Jack Main Canyon Fault Symbol on side that moved down Quaternary Tertiary Cretaceous Cretaceousand Jurassic Triassic Mesozoic Paleozoic Alluvium and glacial tillShown only east of Sierran Crestand in Yosemite Valley Cathedral Peak Granodorite(part of the Tuolomne Intrusive Suite)