Welding institute
Welding Institute (Cambridge)
The Welding Institute organization
VIAF ID: 135393247 (Corporate)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/135393247
Preferred Forms
- 110 2 _ ‡a The Welding Institute ‡c organization
- 110 2 _ ‡a Welding Institute
- 110 2 _ ‡a Welding Institute
- 110 2 _ ‡a Welding Institute
- 110 2 _ ‡a Welding Institute ‡g Cambridge
- 210 | | ‡a Welding institute
- 110 2 _ ‡a Welding institute
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (26)
5xx's: Related Names (6)
- 510 2 _ ‡a British Welding Research Association
- 510 2 _ ‡a British Welding Research Association.
- 551 _ _ ‡a Cambridge
- 510 2 _ ‡a Institute of Welding
- 510 2 _ ‡a Institute of Welding.
- 510 2 _ ‡a Welding Institute
Title | Sources |
The Automotive industry | |
Cinquième Colloque international sur le soudage et la fusion par faisceaux d'électrons et laser | |
A compilation of fatigue test results for welded joints subjected to high stress/low cycle conditions : stage 1 | |
The Detection and measurement of cracks. | |
Dir. weld. manuf. suppliers | |
Dynamic fracture toughness : an international conference | |
The effects of fabrication related stresses on product manufacture and performance : international conference : Cambridge, 23-25 September 1985 | |
Eurolaser news UK | |
The facts about fume : a welding engineers' handbook. | |
Fatigue performance of welded high strength steels : a compendium of reports from a sponsored research programme. | |
High performance electronic packaging, c1991: | |
How to weld stainless steel and aluminium successfully: [proceedings of a seminar held] Tuesday and Wednesday, 14 and 15 January 1975. | |
Improving welded product design [proceedings of the Autumn Meeting of the Welding Institute, held] 16-18 November 1971; | |
International Symposium on Fracture-Safe Designs for Large Storage Tanks : Newcastle upon Tyne, 16-18 April 1986 | |
Joining & materials. | |
Joint Committee's second report on fully-rigid multi-storey welded steel frames. | |
Lamellar tearing in welded steel fabrication | |
Laser welding, cutting, and surface treatment. | |
Met. constr. Br. weld. j. | |
Metal construction. | |
Microwave processing of materials : proceedings of a seminar | |
OMAE 1993 proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering : presented at the 12th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Glasgow, Scotland, June 20-24, 1993 | |
Preprints | |
Procedures and recommendations for the ultrasonic testing of butt welds. | |
Proceedings, 23-25 September 1969. | |
Proceedings of the Conference on Welding Creep-Resistant Steels, 17-18 February, 1970 | |
PT - penetrant testing, [2017]: | |
Pulsed TIG-welding : research member seminar, London, 7 December, 1972 | |
Quality in resistance welding : an analysis of the process and its control | |
Recent developments in pipeline welding practice. | |
Repair and reclamation : the Royal Society, London, 24-25 September 1984 | |
Research report (Welding Institute) | |
Residual stresses in welded construction and their effects : an international conference : London 15-17 November 1977 : preprints | |
Standard data for arc welding : tables of synthetic times and consumable usage for arc welding fillet welds (5-25mm leg length) and butt welds (3-25mm plate thickness) in carbon steels using either manual metal-arc welding or semi-automatic CO₂ welding with a solid or flux-cored continuous electrode. | |
Steel sheet and strip welding, 15-17 March, 1972. | |
Surface coatings for savings in engineering : seminar handbook. | |
Surfacing core research from TWI | |
Sydney 2000 : la vidéo officielle | |
Tests for fracture toughness and fatigue assessment : a compilation of stress intensity, compliance, and elastic [eta] factors | |
TIG and plasma welding | |
The Toughness of weld heat-affected zones : national seminar London-27 March 1974 : seminar handbook. | |
TWI j. | |
Underwater welding for offshore installations. | |
Weld. res. int. | |
Weldability of structural and pressure vessel steels, 16-19 November 1970 [conference proceedings] | |
Weldasearch industry news. | |
Welding abstracts | |
Welding and allied developments for the process industries. | |
Welding and cutting (Düsseldorf, Germany) | |
Welding and fabrication of non-ferrous metals | |
Welding HY100 and HY130 steels : a literature review | |
Welding international. | |
Welding production. | |
Welding technology, Japan. |