/* - unlockOnFormUnload.js - */ /* Plone unlock handler; attaches an unlock handler to $('form.enableUnlockProtection') provides global plone */ /*global plone:true, setInterval:false, clearInterval:false */ /*jslint nomen:false */ /* Unlock the object on form unload, and refresh the lock every 5 minutes */ if (typeof(plone) === 'undefined') { var plone = {}; } (function($){ plone.UnlockHandler = { init: function() { // set up the handler, if there are any forms if ($('form.enableUnlockProtection').length) { $(window).unload(plone.UnlockHandler.execute); plone.UnlockHandler._refresher = setInterval(plone.UnlockHandler.refresh, 300000); } }, cleanup: function() { $(window).unbind('unload', plone.UnlockHandler.execute); clearInterval(plone.UnlockHandler._refresher); }, execute: function() { // this.submitting is set from the form unload handler // (formUnload.js) and signifies that we are in the // form submit process. This means: no unlock needed, // and it also would be harmful (ConflictError) if (this.submitting) {return;} $.get(plone.UnlockHandler._baseUrl() + '/@@plone_lock_operations/safe_unlock'); }, refresh: function() { if (this.submitting) {return;} $.get(plone.UnlockHandler._baseUrl() + '/@@plone_lock_operations/refresh_lock'); }, _baseUrl: function() { var baseUrl, pieces; baseUrl = $('base').attr('href'); if (!baseUrl) { pieces = window.location.href.split('/'); pieces.pop(); baseUrl = pieces.join('/'); } return baseUrl; } }; $(plone.UnlockHandler.init); })(jQuery);