Intended for healthcare professionals


Text reads 'The BMJ podcast', with a rod of asclepius and a podcast symbol on a blue background

The BMJ podcast

For all health professionals

Text reads 'Deep Breath In', with a stethescope and a podcast symbol on a teal background

Deep Breath In

For general practitioners

Text reads 'doctor informed', with patient notes and a podcast symbol on a grey background

Doctor Informed

For hospital doctors

Text reads 'Sharp Scratch', with a plaster and a podcast symbol on a red background

Sharp Scratch

For students & junior doctors

Text reads 'talk evidence', with a jigsaw pieces and a podcast symbol on a purple background

Talk Evidence

For evidence-based medicine

Text reads 'The Recovery', with Fi Godlee and Ray Moynighan

The Recovery

Towards sustainable healthcare

Text reads 'Planet centred care

Planet Centred Care

Greening healthcare

Text reads 'Decolonising health and medicine

Decolonising health and medicine

This week's poll

games 1
games 1
Intern 3
os 4
twitter 1
web 1