Intended for healthcare professionals


Journal policy on research funded by the tobacco industry

BMJ 2013; 347 doi: (Published 15 October 2013) Cite this as: BMJ 2013;347:f5193
  1. Fiona Godlee, editor in chief 1,
  2. Ruth Malone, editor, Tobacco Control 2,
  3. Adam Timmis, current/outgoing editor, Heart2,
  4. Catherine Otto, incoming editor, Heart2,
  5. Andy Bush, coeditor, Thorax2,
  6. Ian Pavord, coeditor, Thorax2,
  7. Trish Groves, editor in chief, BMJ Open2
  1. 1BMJ, London WC1H 9JR, UK
  2. 2BMJ Journals, London WC1H 9JR, UK
  1. tgroves{at}

The BMJ, Thorax, Heart, and BMJ Open join Tobacco Control in no longer considering such research

As editors of the BMJ, Heart, Thorax, and BMJ Open we have decided that the journals will no longer consider for publication any study that is partly or wholly funded by the tobacco industry. Our new policy is consistent with those of other journals including PLoS Medicine, PLoS One, PLoS Biology1; Journal of Health Psychology2; journals published by the American Thoracic Society3; and the BMJ’s own Tobacco Control.4

Critics may argue—as many did when journals stopped publishing cigarette adverts—that publishing such research does not constitute endorsing its findings and that, as long as funding sources are fully disclosed, readers can consider that information and make up their own minds about the quality of the work. Peer review should prevail, goes this line of thinking: it’s not the editor’s job to make these kinds of judgments. However, this view ignores the growing …

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