A Students Guide to Laplace Transforms

A Student's Guide to Laplace Transforms

An introduction from the author:

Hello, and welcome to the website for A Student's Guide to Laplace Transforms. On this site, you'll find resources designed to help you understand the Laplace transform and how it can be used to solve problems in physics and engineering. Those resources include:

Complete solutions to every problem in the book

cover image of a students guide to laplase transforms

From this page, you'll be able to get a series of hints to help you solve each of the chapter-end problems in the text, or you can see the full solution to each problem straight away. To access this material, just click on "Interactive Problems" and then pick the chapter and problem number you'd like to work through.

Video podcasts

For each of the five chapters of A Student's Guide to Laplace Transforms I've recorded a series of video podcasts in which I explain the most significant principles, equations, and figures contained within that chapter. Just click on "Video Tutorials" and then pick the chapter and section of the video you'd like to view.

Supplemental documents and links

In the Supplemental Materials section, you can access tutorials and links to helpful resources for the following topics:

Book Corrections

After the book went to print, several errors were identified in the printing. A list of those corrections are listed in here:

I hope you find the material on this site useful, and I’m interested any comments you may have as to how this site and the text could be more useful to you. Thanks for your time.

To contact Dan Fleisch, send an e-mail to dfleisch@wittenberg.edu

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