Crowdsourcing not all sourced by the crowd: An observation on the behavior of Wikipedia participants
Section snippets
People talk faster as crowd matures
Data collection and descriptive study
Summary of Findings
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Cited by (32)
Nudging and citizen science: The effectiveness of feedback in energy-demand management
2020, Journal of Environmental ManagementCitation Excerpt :Recent advancements in information technology have facilitated the involvement of crowds from outside organizational boundaries for the generation and dissemination of new knowledge (Cappa et al., 2019; Franzoni and Sauermann, 2014; Majchrzak and Malhotra, 2013; Sauermann and Franzoni, 2015). When dispersed individuals are recruited in exchange of a bounty to work on new ideas for solving problems and for innovating, we speak of “crowdsourcing” (Afuah and Tucci, 2013; Lee and Seo, 2016; Natalicchio et al., 2017); but, we refer to citizen science when they are voluntarily involved in the collection or analysis of data that leads to knowledge creation (Auerbach et al., 2019; Cappa et al., 2016b; Young et al., 2019). Citizen science constitutes an increasingly popular framework for involving volunteers from the general public, who are known as “citizen scientists,” in authentic scientific projects (Dickinson et al., 2012; Groulx et al., 2017; Riesch et al., 2013; Science Europe, 2018).
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2019, Conservation BiologyThe effectiveness of crowdsourcing in knowledge-based industries: the moderating role of transformational leadership and organisational learning
2019, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja