ASReml-R | Powerful Analytics for Plant, Animal, Forestry & Aqua

Achieve the true potential of your data with ASReml-R Linear Mixed Model software using R

ASReml-R delivers faster results without compromising accuracy

Experience the capabilities of ASReml-R, a robust statistical analysis software specifically developed for linear mixed models. It harnesses the power of linear mixed-effects models to provide a versatile and adaptable solution for analyzing various types of large and complex data sets commonly encountered in animal, plant, and aqua breeding, agriculture, environmental sciences, and medical sciences.

NEW**: ASReml-R 4.2 – Faster. More powerful!**

ASReml-R now performs Genomic Prediction up to 85 times faster, and complex multi-trait and multi-environment analyses are up to 40 times quicker!

Unparalleled flexibility, speed and accuracy for linear mixed models

Powerful Analysis

ASReml-R is statistical analysis software that offers advanced capabilities for analyzing complex data sets. It incorporates REML estimation, which enables the precise estimation of model parameters and reduces bias often associated with maximum likelihood estimation in mixed models. This leads to improved precision in parameter estimation, increasing the reliability and accuracy of the statistical analysis.

Genomic Prediction and Selection

ASReml-R stands at the forefront of supporting breeding programs with advanced genomic prediction and selection capabilities. ASReml-R helps to make precise and informed decisions in selecting superior individuals for breeding. By leveraging cutting-edge statistical methodologies, ASReml-R can unlock hidden genetic potential and accelerate the genetic gain within breeding populations.

Complex Structures and Varied Effects

ASReml-R allows for nested and crossed effects, along with an array of complex structures on random effects and residuals. It accommodates spatial analyses, repeated measures, random regression, and correlated structures in breeding datasets.

Integration in the R Environment

ASReml-R is a tool for the R environment, leveraging the power and flexibility of R. Users can effortlessly combine ASReml-R's capabilities with other R packages, enabling a comprehensive and efficient analytical workflow.

Multi-Trait and Multi-Environment Analyses

ASReml-R supports multi-trait and multi-environment (MET) analyses, as well as complex matrices involved in genomic selection. It is the most flexible and fast LMM library/package available in R.


ASReml-R addresses various challenges such as high-dimensional models, incorporating pedigree and molecular data, managing bias from family lines, optimizing MET models, and improving the accuracy of breeding values.

Enrich Your ASReml-R Statistical Modelling Software Experience

Created by VSNi, these free R statistical software packages offer exceptional benefits to enhance your analysis experience.

Accurate and flexible Genome Wide Association analysis with ASReml-R

ASRtriala is a free R tool designed to give plant breeders more in-depth analyses of their single and multi-environment trials.

FREE tool to help you explore and prepare your phenotypic and genomic datasets ready for analysis using any R packages.

ASReml-R: Where Speed Meets Accuracy

ASReml-R is statistical analysis software that offers advanced capabilities for analysing complex data sets. Whether it’s thousands of levels, multiple environments or traits, or dense relationship matrices, ASReml-Rdense relationship matrices, ASReml-R has you covered.

ASReml-R 4.2 - processing speed gains

ASReml-R 4.2 delivers impressive gains in processing speed. Below are some example gains the ASRemlctors including: microprocessor, machine power, dataset size and type of analysis run, among others, and they will vary between users. Below are some example gains the ASReml team were able to quantify.

Additional notes: Computer specifications: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz, 16 Gb of RAM, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Analyses were carried out setting asreml.options(threads = 1, use.blas = “standard”) in ASReml-R 4.2. Further speed improvements can be achieved by increasing the number of threads and enabling Intel’s Math Kernel Library (MKL).

ASReml-R: What Makes It Special

Increased Efficiency

Faster analysis with ASReml-R allows users to process large and complex datasets quickly, saving valuable time. It excels in fitting LMMs and provides unparalleled flexibility and speed compared to many other mixed model tools.

Rigorous Testing and Updates

Developed by statisticians and geneticists, ASReml undergoes rigorous testing to ensure the highest statistical and scientific credibility levels. Updates are based on customer feedback to ensure the software stays at the forefront of scientific advancements.


With linear mixed-effects models, users gain a flexible framework for analyzing diverse data structures and accounting for both fixed and random effects. This adaptability makes the software suitable for a wide range of applications across various scientific disciplines.

Trusted and Widely Used

ASReml is used by over 10,000 professionals and is cited in thousands of research papers. Its accuracy and trustworthiness in data analysis are essential for achieving research goals.

Comprehensive Support

ASReml-R provides users with expert guidance and resources, including direct access to our support team, comprehensive documentation, statistical training materials, and video tutorials. We also offer training and consulting services to further assist users.

Accompanying Tools

ASRem-R offers free supplementary software packages to manage and prepare data, enabling special analyses to further enhance the capabilities of ASReml-R. These packages provide additional functionality and enable researchers to extract even greater insights and efficiencies from their data analysis pipelines.

ASReml-R for your success

ASReml-R addresses various challenges, such as multi-trait, multi-crop, and multi-location breeding analysis, expanding crop range, improving MET models, incorporating genetic and pedigree data, implementing genomic prediction/selection, and analyzing large phenotypic and genotypic datasets all with enhanced computational efficiency.

Model Acceleration

ASReml-R offers various methods, including sparse analysis, to accelerate models with a high number of factors. This includes models with thousands of levels for fixed or random effects; models with several environments or traits fitted simultaneously, and models with dense relationship matrices (such as GBLUP), to name a few.

Enhanced Computational Efficiency

ASReml-R allows enhanced computational efficiency throughout the analysis process, allowing users to optimize their workflow and fit complex models faster.

Adaptive Model Flexibility

ASReml-R enables users to fit complex and flexible models, incorporating unique variance components for each environment/location, and easily integrating pedigree and molecular data.

Pedigree and Molecular Data

By seamlessly incorporating pedigree, molecular and other omics data, ASReml-R enhances the accuracy and depth of analyses, empowering users to make more informed decisions.

Enhance Breeding Programs

ASReml-R contributes to the improvement of breeding programs by incorporating pedigree data, managing bias from family lines, optimizing MET models, and facilitating the transition from BLUES to BLUPS, resulting in more successful outcomes.

ASReml-R Case Studies

Our statistical analytics software and consulting services are chosen by seed, plant, aqua and animal breeding companies worldwide to support and inform the development of new varieties, strains, stocks and breeds.

Statistical Analysis Software for Your Business

ASReml-R is the go-to software for researchers and analysts seeking a sophisticated linear mixed model tool. With its REML-based statistical analysis capabilities, seamless R integration, and a wide range of applications, ASReml-R unlocks new possibilities for exploring and interpreting complex datasets. Harness the power of ASReml-R to gain deeper insights and make more informed decisions in your data analysis endeavours. Each industry is unique and we have the statistical analysis tools you need to draw the most value from your data. 

Contact our team if you have any questions, and we can guide you through getting the most out of your statistics with ASReml-R.


REML stands for Restricted (or Residual) Maximum Likelihood. It is a method for fitting a linear mixed model, where variance components are estimated by minimizing the restricted log-likelihood function. 

ML (Maximum Likelihood estimation) is where observed data is used to estimate the parameters of an assumed probability distribution. REML and ML differe on how they define treat the nuissance parameters (fixed effects).

ASReml-R statistical software is a popular tool commonly used in agriculture, food science and Animal breeding to name a few. We have a helpful case study available if you would like to read a practical example of how ASReml-R can be used in your business.

We have an array of resources available to help you use ASReml-R to enhance your research including tutorial videos, E-learning and user guides.

ASReml-SA uses a text file user interface and can access more workspace, making it useful for very large problems. ASReml-R is more convenient for regular users of the R environment and it makes it easier to manipulate data.

Both versions of the ASReml statistical analysis software are powerful tools for fitting mixed models and are based on the same computational core.

Knowledge Base

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