Ongeronde geslote voorklinker

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e · ø
ɘ · ɵ
ɤ · o
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ʌ · ɔ
a · ɶ
ɑ · ɒ
Waar simbole in pare voorkom verteenwoordig
die een na regs 'n geronde klinker.
IFA – getal 301
IFA – text i
Entiteit i
Kirshenbaum i

Die ongeronde geslote voorklinker is 'n tipe klinker wat in meeste gesproke tale gebruik word. Die simbool in die Internasionale Fonetiese Alfabet wat die klank voorstel is i, en die ekwivalente X-SAMPA simbool is i.

Die klinker [i] is baie algemeen en kom fonemies in byna alla tale met drie of meer klinkers voor.[verwysing benodig]


  • Die klank se klinkerhoogte is geslote, wat beteken dat die tong so na as moontlik aan die vehemelte geposisioneer word sonder om 'n obstruksie te veroorsaak wat dit as 'n konsonant sou klassifiseer.
  • Die klank se klinkerposisie is voor, wat beteken dat die tong so ver vorentoe as moontlik in die mond geplaas word sonder om 'n obstruksie te veroorsaak wat dit in 'n konsonant sou verander.
  • Die klank se ronding is ongerond, wat beteken dat die lippe gesprei is.


  • Carbonell, Joan F. & Joaquim Llisterri (1992), "Catalan", Journal of the International Phonetic Association 22(1-2): 53-56
  • Cruz-Ferreira, Madalena (1995), "European Portuguese", Journal of the International Phonetic Association 25(2): 90-94
  • Fougeron, Cecile & Caroline L Smith (1993), "Illustrations of the IPA:French", Journal of the International Phonetic Association 23(2): 73-76
  • Gussenhoven, Carlos (1992), "Dutch", Journal of the International Phonetic Association 22(2): 45-47
  • Jassem, Wiktor (2003), "Polish", Journal of the International Phonetic Association 33(1): 103-107
  • Jones, Daniel & Ward Dennis (1969), The Phonetics of Russian, Cambridge University Press
  • Martínez-Celdrán, Eugenio; Ana Ma. Fernández-Planas & Josefina Carrera-Sabaté (2003), "Castilian Spanish", Journal of the International Phonetic Association 33(2): 255-259
  • Roach, Peter (2004), "British English: Received Pronunciation", Journal of the International Phonetic Association 34(2): 239-245
  • Rogers, Derek & Luciana d'Arcangeli (2004), "Italian", Journal of the International Phonetic Association 34(1): 117-121
  • Rood, David S & Allan R. Taylor (2006), "Sketch of Lakhota, a Siouan Language, Part I", Handbook of North American Indians 17: 440-482
  • Shosted, Ryan K. & Chikovani Vakhtang (2006), "Standard Georgian", Journal of the International Phonetic Association 36(2): 255-264
  • Thelwall, Robin (1990), "Illustrations of the IPA: Arabic", Journal of the International Phonetic Association 20(2): 37-41
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Intern 11
languages 1
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