Slovenčina: Štít delený na tri polia. V modrej hlave tri zlaté ľalie, v ľavej polovici sedem ráz strieborno-červeno deleného stredného poľa ľavá polovica strieborného, strácajúceho sa obráteného zlatokorunovaného orla so zlatým, ďatelinkovo zakončeným perizoneom a v zlatej zbroji. V modrej päte štítu šikmá sedemkrát zlato-červeno štiepená niť, sprevádzaná hore jednou a dolu dvoma zlatými ľaliami.
Please note that although this representation is protected by copyright of its author and has a free license, it is also protected by Slovak law 369/1990 Zb. o obecnom zriadení, § 1b Symboly obce[1], and therefore may not be used in Slovakia without permission from the municipality.
de compartir – de copiar, distribuir y transmitir o treballo
de remezclar – d'adaptar o treballo
Baixo as siguients condicions:
atribución d'autoría – Ha d'atribuir l'autoría d'o treballo d'a traza especificada por l'autor u persona que l'haiga licenciau (pero no pas de traza que suchiera que l'autor/os autors refirma(n) u refirma(n) l'uso que faigas d'o treballo).
compartir igual – En caso d'alterar, transformar u enamplar iste treballo, habrá de distribuir o treballo resultant solament baixo a mesma licencia u beluna equivalent.
"a) idea, manner, system, method, concept, principle, discovery or information that has been expressed, described,
explained, depicted or incorporated into a work,
b) a text of legislation, a decision of public authority or a court decision, technical norm, including draft
materials and translations thereof
c) land-use planning documents
d) state symbol, municipality symbol, symbol of self-governing region; this does not apply to a work which
formed ground for creating of such symbol,
e) speech presented in discussions on public affairs
f) daily news; daily news is information on event or circumstance; where a work informing about daily news or a
work in which daily news is included, is not considered as daily news,
g) work of traditional folk culture,
h) result of activity of expert, interpreter or translator acting under special law."
Hence it is assumed that this image has been released into the public domain. However, in some instances the use of this image might be regulated by other laws.
Esta imagen representa una bandera, un escudo, un sello o alguna otra insignia oficial. El uso de estos símbolos está restringido en muchos países. Estas restricciones son independientes del estado de sus derechos de autor.
Añade una explicación corta acerca de lo que representa este archivo
Iste fichero contiene información adicional, probablement adhibida dende a camara dichital, o escáner u o programa emplegau ta creyar-lo u dichitalizar-lo. Si o fichero ha estau modificau dende o suyo estau orichinal, bells detalles podrían no refleixar de tot o fichero modificau.