Her man mæg findan cyþþe be manigum þingum geond middangeard, gewriten on ealdra Engla gereorde, þe Englisc hatte. Wearnung: Gewit þu heonan gif þu Ænglisc leornian wille, for þon þe þæt Englisc her on biþ oftost swiðe yfel. Swelce twegen menn cunnon Englisc wel and hie nyllaþ þas stowe gebetan.
Please refer to the Grammar and Writing style guide and Old English self-correction checklist when contributing to the Old English Wikipedia.
- Gewritu be þæm Englum
- Wicinga ieldu • Hæðenscipe • Island • Winland
- Missenlicu gewritu
- Gecorene gemynddagas
Gecorene gemynddagas
2. dæg Geolan:
- 1804 – Napoleon Bonaparte him coroniede þe he wære Francena Cāsere and þeos halgung wæs æt Notre Dame Hēahcirican in Paris.
- 1899 – Philippine–Americanisc Gūþ: Siextig-wera werod of þæm Filipinwarum wæs sigelēas æt sæcce in thame Tirad Pass Beadwe, ac his dæd delayed the American advance lange enough þe Emilio Aguinaldo fliemede.
- 1942 – The Manhattan Project: Witan under Enrico Fermi ongannen se form self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction in the experimental nuclear reactor Chicago Pile-1 (on biliðe).
- 1956 – Cuban Ahebbung: Granma þæt bāt, þæt bār Fidel Castro, Che Guevara and 80 other members þæs 26th of July Movement, areccede Cuban strand.
- 1980 –Maura Clarke, Jean Donovan, Ita Ford, and Dorothy Kazel Americanisce godspelleras amyrþrede herelic dēaþwerod in El Salvador.
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