Ġecēosung is ġecoren foresettung, þæt is gemōt þæs folces tō wyrcean ġedwina bysmor, þurh þæt folc cīest ānne mann oþþe fleras menn tō healdan openne hīredstōl.

A genganbox fricum on Francland

Ġecēosunga sindon sīðfæste weorc, þurh þæt þēos mǣþelcræftlīce folcrīce dōmfolgoþ hæfð āðrēad siþþan þǣre seofontigoþan þǣre hundwintre. Ġecēosunga magon āþiendan hīredstōlas on þǣre þēodlārhūse, hwīlwm on þǣm rīcscealde oþþe dōmmannheape, and eac tō þǣm hīrwīsan and landġemǣrum hīerdōmum. Þes weorc is eac ġewuna on fela oþra hæfde and cræftġesetnyssum, fram hlottum tō selflēohtendlicum ġeswincaþungum and hlēoþwīsan hlāfhlutan.

Se woruldþeawa þæt ġecēosunga beoþ ġeworht ġeflitlandes tō forescyllan þēodwīsan rīcscipe stent ongēan þæs foremǣþel þǣre dēmocrātcīsan ēstlīce, þæt wæs on ǣrlicum Æþelingrīce, þǣr se ġecēosung wæs gemyndlæst cynedom, and fela þāra healdstōlas wǣron ġesette þurh hlottunga, þæt is cweden be dǣle, þǣr hīerdōm wearþ ġecoren þurh hlote.

Note 1