nēohƿæl (Linnæus: Monodon monoceros, on Nīƿenglisce narwhal oþþe narwhale, sƿā gehāten for his scinnan blēo) is medume grēat hƿæl þe ƿunaþ on þǣm Norðan. Hē is ān þæs Monodonitidae cynnes ætædere mid þǣm hƿītan hƿæle; þæs hē grēatne hornlicne tusc on hēafdes ceafles uferran ƿynstran healfe.

Nēohƿælena eard

Nēohƿælas ƿuniaþ oftost on þǣm Canadisc Norðan and Grēnelendiscum ƿæterum; hī sind selden gefunden besūðan 65° norðernre landhīehþe and sind sƿīðe ānlīce gested huntere for þǣm Norðan.

On Ƿintere etaþ hī oftost sǣgrundbūendu dēor, oftost efenfiscas, on dīepþum sƿā dēop sƿā 1500 metera under fæstum īsflētum. Nēohƿalas habbaþ gebēon gehuntod for hire bānum and flǣsce tō heore fōdan be Scrælingum þūsendu gēara; efneted huntoþ nēohƿala is gīet geƿorht. Þēah þe heora hēafodrīm þynceþ stille ƿesan, se nēohƿæl is gedēmed ānlīce open cƿellunge for geƿedercyndes andƿendunge and his sƿīðe ānlicre fōdan etunge.

Note 1