Se Sarawak Brego ricsode fram 1841 on Sarawake þæm lande þæt is land on Borneo þære īege norþdæle, and hie hatton þā Hwītan Rajan forþæm þe þās Bregas wæron Bretcynn onmang Dægacum and Malægum. Þrie bregas ricsodon hēr and hiera æþelingas ēac, of þæm Brookecynne. Hiera cynedōm endode þan Carl Brego ageaf his rīce to Georgie VI Bretta Cyning in 1946.

Sarawakes Breges scild
Iacobus Brooke Brego

Se forma brego was Iacobus Brooke, se wæs in Bandel (nēah Caligardamana) in Bengal geboren. He wæs fānaþegn in þæm Bengalhere þære Ēastindea Tēoh oððæt ðe dem in 1825 sended him to Breten and in 1930 forlæt he his þegnes gewrit. In 1838 seglode Iacobus Brooke in his agnum scipe to Borneo þær he geaf his fultum to þæm Brunei Cyninge and campede wiþ wicingum and unrǣd onmang þæm Dægacum. For his mēde, geaf him se Cyning Sarawakburg (se is nū Kucing) and micel land ymbe þære byrig and ēac geaf Brooke se Cyning coronbeag swa 'Rajah', se is 'Brego'. In 1841 fang Iacobus Brooke to rīce in his nīwum bregodōme.

Iacobus Brego wæs bearnlēas. Be his irfegewrita wæs Iohannes, Iacobes sweostorsunu, his ierfa and æfetrwearde Iohannes sunu, Carl. Carl Brego fand his cynedōm hrēorig æfter þæm Iapaniscan insettunge and ageaf eall his riht in þæm lande þæm Bryttiscan Rīce in 1946. His nefa se wæs his agen iefa wiþspræc be þissum tīþe, and mid him wæron þæt hēafodgerīm þāra stefna þæs rīces gemōtes.

Fāna and tācnas

Sarawakes cynelic fana

Se Brooke cynecynnes wæpnas wæron gwrōhten of Iacobes Brookes agnum wæpnas. Se scild wæs gylden mid rōde in rēade and swearte. His camb wæs broc, of hiera cynnnaman.


  • Ranee Margaret of Sarawak (2001). My Life in Sarawak. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-582663-9. 
  • Sylvia, Lady Brooke (1970). Queen of the Headhunters. 
  • Eade, Philip (2007). Sylvia, Queen of the Headhunters: A Biography of Lady Brooke, the Last Ranee of Sarawak. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. 
  • Reece, R.H.W. (1993). The Name of Brooke: The End of White Rajah Rule in Sarawak. 
  • Runciman, Steven (1960). The White Rajahs: A History of Sarawak from 1841 to 1946. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 
  • Schutte, O (1981). "M. R. H. Calmeyer, de Wind, de Windt, de Wint", De Nederlandsche Leeuw. 
  • (1996) "Quast", Nederlandse Genealogieen. Den Haag: Koninklijk Genootschap voor Geslacht- en Wapenkunde.  (Literature regarding Broek-De Wind)

Ūtwearda hlencas

Note 1