
Tromsīeg (Norðisc: Tromsø) is īeg and sēo ceaster sēo līgþ þǣron inmiddan Tromsīegflēote on Troms, in norðernum Norþƿege.

Tromsīeg is Norþƿeges seofoðe ceatser be mennscipe, and sēo mǣste on norðernum Norðƿege, and man hāteþ hīe þæs Norþdǣles hēafodburg. Hiere hēafodcirice is sēo norþernmeste hēafodcirice þǣre ƿorulde.

Manigu Russiscu fiscera scipu cumaþ to Tromsīege and rīdaþ on ancre hēr.

Tromsīege Hēafodcirice
Note 1