Ƿæterdraca is ænig cynd þæs cynnes Crocodylidae. Se ƿordcƿide mæge ēac beinnie eall þāra hāda Crocodilia: þā ƿǣre ƿæterdracan, þā ālagetere, cǣgmanas, gārigelan, and ēac þā crocodylmorpha, þe ealdƿæterdracacynn beinnaþ.
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Nīles ƿæterdracan
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Cræftlicu endebyrdung | ||||||||||
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Gesīþcynd þæs cynnes Crocodylidae sind micel ƿæterlic ƿyrmas þe þurh ƿearmstedum in Affrican ƿuniaþ, Asian, Norðum and Sūðum Ƿīnlande, and Āstrelian. Ƿæterdracan mǣste gadriaþ in frescƿæterstedum gelic ēan, laga, ƿǣtland, and hƿīlum in sāmsealtƿætere. Hīe etaþ mǣste hrycgdēor gelic fiscas, ƿyrmas, and sycedēor, and hƿīlum unhrycgdēor gelic molluscas and rindcynn.
Hīe habbaþ eald frumcynn, and man belīefþ þæt hƿeorfodon hīe sƿīðe seld siþþan dinosaura tīman. Man belīefþ þæt bēoþ hīe 200 þūsenda þūsend gēar eald, þēah dinosauras ƿurdon dēad fore 65 þūsenda þūsend gēar; ƿæterdracan þolodon grēatdēaða gelimpas.[1]
Līfcræft and gebǣre
adihtǷæterdracan sind sæthuntas, ābīdende for fiscum oþþe landdēorum to cumenne nēah, þonne ræsende to feallenne. Ƿesende caldblōdige huntas, hīe habbaþ sƿīðe slāƿ bodigsƿiftnesse, and þus magon langum tīdum līfan būtan fōd. Hīe bēoþ hēafodhuntas in hiera ēðelum, and seah man missenlice cynd feallende and cƿellende scearcas.[2]
adiht- ↑ Grigg, Gordon and Gans, Carl (1993) Morphology and Physiology of the Crocodylia, in Fauna of Australia Vol 2A Amphibia and Reptilia, hēafodƿeard 40, hlēafan 326-336. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra. PDF Archived 2005-07-20 at the Wayback Machine
- ↑ Saltwater Crocodile, Saltwater Crocodile Profile, Facts, Information, Photos, Pictures, Sounds, Habitats, Reports, News - National Geographic. Animals.nationalgeographic.com. Begieten on 2010-03-16.